You know, when you think about it, Blogging is quite a strange thing really. You open yourself up , express your thoughts both good and bad to what could potentially be thousands of people, show pictures of yourself, maybe your children and family, places you like to go and things you like to do, you build up friendships with many people from all around the world , sometimes with people you will never ever get to meet but dream that one day you might , you can chat maybe on a daily or weekly basis , presents can get sent back and forth and then one day you just disappear..... no blog update , nothing , just gone.
A few of my " friends" have disappeared over the past few months .... popular ladies, quite a few followers just vanished. Every so often I pop by to see if they have returned but nope, nothing. How long should you wait before you remove them from your blog lists ( that sounds awful doesn't it ). Sometimes family life gets in the way , sometimes it's work , could be anything really.
Last night I sadly removed about half a dozen friends from my list , sigh. I wish these people all the luck in the world and if you should ever return I will be more than happy to see you.
In my current list there are a few I read religiously but never comment on, I don't know why I just don't ............ one of them was a blog I found when I first started my own , when things are all shiny and new and you take those first tentative steps and pluck up the courage to comment on someone elses blog, I made a few remarks on this particular ladies blog and never ever got a reply , now don't get me wrong , I know in some cases it would be impossible to respond to every comment on every post... but just the odd - thank you, wouldn't go amiss,
Anyway, last night I went on the hunt for new friends , so many blogs on all different types of subjects - it really is amazing.
So I'm going to show you a few .. new to me Blogs .. that I found on my travels .
Andamento was the first one, I think the tree header first caught my attention, but it's a lovely little blog , what I think of as a family blog, with snippets from family , homelife and crafting too, oh, and she makes the most gorgeous leaded items too

image from Andamento )
Next up was
Sixty One A, once again I think it was the header that caught me and if you like things nautical and beachy with family and just sheer gorgeousness thrown in then I strongly suggest you pop on over and check it out

both images from Sixty One A )
Then there is
Dream Country Chat - I just adore where this lady lives and her style of writing and I would gladly sit down for jam and bread here any day

image from Dream Country Chat )
Lastly we'll go visit
Hardaker and Pope, check out the fabrics

image from Hardaker and Pope)
One thing I noticed about these four in particular is their freshness and although they have all been going for a while now aren't cluttered if that makes sense , and they all have lovely headers. Hopefully these " new to me " blogs might soon become " new to you " blogs too.