Today I was going to write about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and how I've just started re-watching all the old episodes , how I've already done Season 1 and am now watching Season 2 and am loving it every bit as much as I did the first time around.

Then I remembered this post from the same time last year which went down like a ton of bricks !! Maybe you all out there don't like the vampire thing ?
So I thought I'd give it another shot as there are so many more vampire things around now . I mean what about The Vampire Diaries ? Are you team Stefan or team Damon ? I'm definitley team Damon , it must be the bad boy thing and the dark brooding good looks.

Another of course is True Blood, the raunchiest out of the three and the one aimed at adults instead of the teen scene . What about that one? Think I'll be going for the blonde choice here.

Last but not least we have Haven , yes I know it's not vampire but it is supernatural and surprisingly enough quite a good looking cast, see the bad boy in the chair , yep that would be my fave in this one.

So I suppose the post that started off about vampires ended up being about good looking men , more often than not dark haired ones too .
So , who's your favourite bad boy and yes Anna before you say it ... this one is just for you.

Still the same effect 12 months later! I'm so not into these types of shows!!! Haha.... good on those that are! Just not my thing!
Im not gone on the Vampire thing ither - but Angel was just dreamy. xxxx
Oh yes you have your first taker of the vampire things. Funny enough I did a post about two of my favourtie programmes which are coming on. Both vamprie.
True blood of course and Being Human. Love Mitchell the Vamprie. Tall and dark and brooding. I loved Buffy too. And of course who could resist Angel. Have a few vampire films too. Loved Dracula the 90's version with Gary Oldman. Very visually stunning as well as a good storyline too. My other favourite is the film adaptation of Ann Rices Interview with a Vampire. Loved the books and have quite a few of them. Loved the film too although still not convinced Tom Cruise was right to play the charactor of Lestate. Of course Have read the whole twilight books and seen the films. They are ok but not my favourites.
Non Vampire related film I love but still spooky and supernatural is the Crow with Brandon Lee. The first and the best in my view. Oh dear you have started me off now! lol.
I have never watched any of the above but I did used to like Christopher Lee as Dracula!!! I guess you could say i go for the dark ones!!!
I must confess, the only vampires I know are the Cullens ;) Loved the books and like the movies (still haven't seen the 3rd one yet though) but I never watch these on tv.
Oh Yeah Baby -- Matthew is definitely the favorite. I'm not even going to look at how old he is -- it's very depressing LOL. But he isn't a vampire somewhere is he???
you've lost me, I clearly don't watch enough tv..... I have read the twilight books though. I even bought the first film, but it's still in it's packet. I thought K would like it, but apparently it will be tooooo scary....
Until the Twilight books came out I wasn't really into vampires. Living pretty close to where they filmed some of the movies helped to mske me a fan.
True Blood rocks. :)
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