This is why -- FOG
Remember this post from a few weeks ago, well it all looks a bit different today. It was quite sad really, all the time and effort that had been put into the organisation ,especially when if you walked 10 minutes away from the seafront it was glorious sunshine. Oh well , here's to next year.
I,ve also had the honour of having been given another award from Steph at Curlew Country and from Rachel Rabbit. Thank you very much girls. It really means a lot to me to know that people actually like my little ramblings.

There are rules to this award but I'm going to change it slightly. I've noticed that a lot of people already have this award so what I'm going to do is --- if I've left a comment on your Blog in the last week and you haven't got this award then I'm giving this to you all, as you all deserve it. You make me smile, you make me laugh and occasionally you make me cry but you are all in my life now and I'd miss you all if you weren't there.
Next week we are going here and we are all really looking forward to a little family break. So I'm starting my holidays early to spend time with the kids and sort stuff out before we go.
See you all when we get back -
Thinking about how much I'd miss blogging was brought home to me this morning when all our electricity went off. I wasn't worrying about any of the practical necessary electricity but the fact that I wouldn't be able to get to blogland! Thank goodness we worked it out quickly!
Have a lovely holiday! Lucy x
Have a wonderful holiday - lucky you!!
Shame about the air show! Have a lovely break from us and a fabulous holiday!!!! Gotta love a holiday!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday, how I envy you. I'm stuck here sewing....although that's pretty good now I think of it!
Goodness, look at that fog! A shame the airshow was off.
Have a lovely break x
Have a wonderful time in Corfu!
I would miss blogging horribly if I didn't do it - my bloggy friends have come to mean a lot to me. Congratulations on your award.
Oh dear, sorry about the airshow! You were right no sun tan lotion required.
Have a good break in Corfu, don't come back to brown, and remember the diet rules still apply on holiday! Sod it!
Vanessa x
Have a fab holiday in Corfu ooh it looks so nice! There's a award for you on my blog too but looks like you already have it! Well done look forward to your holiday pics!
Bummer! I love air shows. That fog looked pretty darn thick. Have a wonderful 'break'.
hope you have a really lovely holiday xx
Woo hoo Corfu..... have a lovely holiday don't give me a thought down here shivering in Oz.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday. I went to Sidari when I was at university for a romantic holiday and it was wonderful. The cliffs and the blue, blue sea are just beautiful. Not jealous at all!
Have a great holiday! Shame about that fog...
Such a shame about the airshow. Enjoy your holiday to Corfu. I have been there twice and loved it on both occasions.
I would have been so disappointed, I always enjoy a good airshow, I am fascinated by jet fighters. Sad I know! Corfu, how great. You must all be looking forward to your holiday so much. Have a lovely time, and see you with lots of photos, when you get back. x
I went to Sidari about 20 years ago - have a lovely time ... :0)
Wishing I was there too. It looks wonderful. Have a fabulous time, lots of fun and relaxation, or as much as you can with small children. Come back with lots to show and tell. Till then safe journeying.
I just tagged you for 6 random things. Don't worry, take you time we want to know about your holiday first!
Have a great, relaxing trip!
wishing you a fab holiday
Well deserved award....and a break from the norm - I hope you had or are still having a wonderful time.
What a gorgeous little chap!
Carol x
I was just sitting here thinking that I hadn't heard anything from you for AGES! And I see you're on holidays! Hope you're having a lovely time away together! :)
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