It all started with a visit too my local fruit shop, I love this shop and just recently they have started stocking all weird and wonderful things and selling stuff extra cheap. For example I bought a crate of bananas for £1 - yep a crate. Now what do you do with this many bananas - you do some baking, I made 3 of these ( not all for me I might add ) from this recipe. So easy and delicious ,the smell was amazing and in the process of searching for a recipe I found a lovely new Blog.
They were also selling lemons cheap.. so we just had to make lemon drizzle cake also from Attic24. Half of this went to Milo's teacher for her birthday. We also made pie and quiche but you've all seen those before.
I've also done some cooking from this book. Now I love aubergines and courgettes but Hub thinks they are the spawn of the Devil so I use them more when he's working lates. This stripey one was a gorgeous colour.
There was a lovely veg Moussaka which I forgot to take pics of - oops but I did remember the veg curry with chickpeas
Hub thinks all this cooking and baking is hilarious as I'm not the best cook in the world although I do apparantly have the title ' Queen Of The Packet Mix ' --- hmmm
Baby G has been doing a lot more walking too, he's getting more and more confidence evey day. Soon there'll be no stopping him!
I've also been painting the kitchen but as it's just white on white I didn't want to bore you with those pics and not to mention the sewing which isn't even nearly finished and the knitting while watching Location , Location. I know I've mentioned it before but I love that programme.
And I nearly forgot, theres also been a tiny bit of this too
Cheers x
A girl after my own heart, I watch the time for 'beer o'clock' on many a stressful day! What is it with men and aubegines? I love them but Mr F hates them as well, so we have to wait til he's out before we can have them too!x
Would have loved to be in your kitchen this week - yummm! How exciting that Baby G is getting mobile - now the fun really starts!
Nice cooking - the curry looks great!
Yummy! Looks like you have had a fun time baking this week, I wish I lived closer to you!
It all looks absolutely delicious: thank you so much for the links.
Yay for the 'G' man!!!!!! None of mine walked before 18 months! Wow all of that cooking and painting the kitchen too!!! And I must say that your DH is being a bit dramatic with the whole sporn of the Devil!!!
Hope you are well and that plans for next week are coming along nicely.
Oh my gosh ... I'm getting hungry! We can't get bannana's around here right now. Everything looks so good and healthy - what time is dinner? he he
G - such a big boy - walking! What fun!
BTW - I LOVE Stella ... hmmm let's see it's only 7 AM here ... it's 4 o'clock somewhere (just kidding - I'll wait to crack one open!)
Your cooking looks delicious. I love both those cakes and am really fond of aubergines, so now I'm feeling really hungry!!!Baby G looks so adorable
looks like you've had a wonderful week - a perfect mix of crafting, baking and beer!
Those cakes look so nice I might just pop over for a cuppa. The trouble will start when Baby G is full mobile you will have no rest then.
Look at baby G go!
Oh, I've been looking for a good banana bread recipe for ages - thanks for that, I'll bookmark it. Yours looks lovely.
Baby G looks so cute - once he's off, you're going to have to have eyes in the back of your head!
Lovely produce - what a banana bargain! Amazing. The cake and veggie nosh look delicious.
Great toddling picture too.
And of course, hurray for beer.
Oh, how I love banana bread! Baby G is too cute! I love when they start getting around on their own, saves your back and you get more exercise chasing them.
Your cooking sure looks good to me!!! And it sounds like our husbands have the same illness (what is it with men and vegetables??!!!) You have made my tummy grumble and your moussaka sounds yummmmmo!!
All your home cooking always looks great Lisa, far from being the packet mix queen! I love courgettes. Have you ever tried Summer Squash? I think you would like them. I like Location too, although I have missed a few from this series. Too much blogging going on! x
Wow! Banana bread, beer, and Baby G, a perfect day! Wish we were neighbors.. x
love banana cake - especially with extra walnuts in it ;-)
All that food look delish!!!!!! Would have loved to be at your place :) i like cooking and baking as well but baking is mroe my thing.
Hi Lisa
How lovely that you've used my recipes, i am sooo thrilled!!! Looks like they turned out lovely (you can't beat a good-every-time sort of recipe). I made banana cake last week, flapjack too, and have just made iced buns this morning.
Also I've got a new recipe to try out for orange cake..will post recipe ad pics if it works out.
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