I've been so busy this past week and have done more painting but this time on the landing at the top of the stairs. I also managed a trip to the hairdressers, my roots were getting ridiculous so I've gone back to being brown. I don't think the purse strings can stretch to having my roots done every 8 weeks or so anymore. I prefer my hair blonde but can cope with brown for a while I think.
At 8pm last night I was sitting in the kitchen and this was what I saw, a birthday present to be finished which I really don't think I'm going to get done in time which I'm not very happy about.
Bunting for Baby G which has to be done by Sunday
This sad looking thing is supposed to be a pineapple upside down cake but it was a bit of a disaster, the cake didnt rise and although the top was cooked the middle didnt cook. If anyone has any different recipes for this cake or any tips just send them my way.
On Sunday the girl in our local fruit shop - who is fast becoming my best friend, gave me all these for free and asked me to bake her a cake! Do you think she gave me enough?
I did manage to get this finished though, a pyjama top for Milo. I did end up doing the last little bit by hand though as my machine gave up again!!! Will have to try and sort it out tonight.
Out of curiosity just when does everyone manage to do their crafting? If I'm lucky I snatch the odd minute during the day but this is mainly knitting and on a night from about 8pm until 10ish I try to do sewing. I can't really do sewing during the day as by the time I get everything out it would have to be put away again and it's impossible to look after Baby G and sew at the same time!
I'm now going to sort out some pics for my next post :-). Have a nice day x
Oh well done on another pound: slow and steady will get you there.
As for the crafting - I struggled with it until my youngest went to preschool really - that gave me a precious couple of hours twice a week. Now they're both at school, it's much easier!
Well done Lisa - making great progress! All your current WIP look interesting. I remember it was hard to get much done when my 2 were young. I used to focus on quick projects and work at night, or on the weekend DH would watch them for an hour or so to give me a break. It certainly gets easier!
The bunting looks great as do the PJ's! Well done Lisa! And the weightloss too! You know me I don't sleep so I work from around 9 (have to spend some time with DH - he doesn't get home until 8) and then I work until at least 1am sometime 2am.
another pound gone, that's wonderful!
It's great that you manage to get some crafting done, I often have to wait until after 8 when the kids are asleep (if I'm not falling asleep myself!).
well done on more weight loss! You must be doing something right.
I used to find it hard to get alot of sewing done until mine were all at school (probably not what you want to hear) - When my youngest was still at home I used to schedule one day a week just for sewing - I wouldn't even answer the phone - and he sat and played in the sewing room all day (even watched dvds) I got a lot done on those days as dh used to cook dinner so I could keep on working without interruption. You'll get there as they grow older.
Good job! Slow and steady wins the race .... No tips on the cake but for crafting I usually sew while the boys nap. H & J still nap in the afternoons so I can get an hour (or two if I'm lucky). I'm too tired at night. If H wakes up early I get him to 'help' - he likes to help me push the buttons on my machine.
Another pound...good for you!
I get my crafting in whenever I have a spare minute. Since having a sewing room it is a little easier, I just pop in and out of there and do little bits at a time.
It's nice that I can just close the door so I don't have to see the mess!
Hi Lisa, well done on losing weight, I need to follow your lead!
I think we are in very similar situations regarding the time to craft. My oldest is at school and the youngest now goes to pre school 3 times a week for 3 hrs a time - but by the time I've walked the dogs, tidied up, made a start on the evening meal etc etc it soon goes. It's a struggle and often when I DO get a window I'm too tired and don't feel motivated!
I go to work 3 or 4 evenings a week.
SO - the longwinded answer to your question is.....whenever energy, time and inspiration converge...ie not a lot !
Congratulations with the weight loss! But never mind about the pineapple cake - I'm sure it will work out fine next time!
Lucy x
Hey Lisa - congrats - they say slow and steady is way better (and stays off for longer) than fast and furious!! I'm totally spoilt for time and I craft all the time ... I have never worked so hard - I love going to bed totally mentally exhausted. My husband is very kind to make it possible for me. I have a feeling this abundance of time will change though if Aaron gets his way about babies though! Then I'll probably never have a spare minute to knit for the next 20 years.
Hi Lisa. Love the question about time for craft - it's a flipping nightmare! My littlest one is 2 yrs and so I sew while she naps in the afternoon and then do as much as I can when Dave is home at weekends, but this means a constant compromise - juggling to spend enough time with the kids to avoid guilt and still managing to get orders out on time. Got a lesson teaching English for an hour in the middle of nap time today (resent it so but need the dough!) and also need to work on new designs....ahhh! xx
congratulations on another lb gone. Great to hear your progress. I knit everywhere, even while at work during tea break. How many sailors have you seen knitting? When the kids were little it was mainly in the evenings when they were asleep. I am terrrible for making timetables so I can feel I fit everything in.
Well done on another lb lost - good for you. I rarely get any crafting done (and that probably explains why I'm not so great at it!). Having little ones makes it really hard. I'm so impressed with all you get done - my tally is two lavender hearts in three months. Hopeless!
Stephx - btw a few organic slug pellets worked a treat when I planted out the lupins and are wildlife friendly too.
Think you do great,I am pregnant with my 4th.Hope I will loose some extras after she is born!
Like your side ands it seems to me you are a very nice person.
regards Laura
You made me laugh. Half a world away our time tables seem so similar! I find it hard to pick a moment here or a minute there where I can get a stitch or two done. I find it hard to stay focused on a project. I get distracted (usually by the kids!) and then start thinking about the next thing. I rush off and start that without ever finishing the fifteen things before it! It's a cruel circle! Jen
Yeah on the lost pound! Sorry about the sewing machine, they can be very tempermental. I get my sewing done after 8pm-11pm. Most days I cut out the next project during Saga's nap, but lately I have been watching movies from Netflix.
Congrats on another pound lost!
Looks like you are keeping busy over there with all your craftyness
Sometimes i can snatch some time to knit during the day or i ask my son to play by himself just for a little bit so i can relaxe and work on something but for the most part all my craft stuff is done after 8 when he as gone to bed-it really is the best time and there are no interupptions.
Congratulations on another pound!
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