I don't think I've mentioned it before but this beach is only about 3 miles from where we live. We walked all the way along to the second cove that you can just see in the distance and then all the way back. Notice the lighthouse is in front of us, from up above..
Here it is behind us from the second cove
Behind us, from down below in the first cove, on the way back.
Hub and Milo played football
While Baby G experienced sand for the first time - Milo used to hate sand and screamed whenever it touched him!
Baby G loved it.
Rock pools
The Marina
I think maybe we should go here more often, and it makes a change from all the park pictures that I post!
I wish I had been to the beach instead of getting stung by nettles in the garden! The beach looks glorious, golden and sandy. No wonder baby G loved it! More pictures of the beach please!
What a glorious outing - not a cloud in the sky. Lovely to see your children enjoying the great outdoors. We live close to the beach as well but don't get there as often as we should. Your marina looks nice - are there restaurants/cafes there?
you are so lucky to live so close to the beach!!!!
You are super lucky to live so close to the beach. The closest beach to us is about 3 hours drive away. So when we go to the beach we go for three weeks at a time! (In winter though - it's the only time it's quiet enough to leave the farm!!) Has Milo just turned three?? Only asking cause Jackson's heading for 3 in August and he's falling over all the time and cries and cries... I don't like the word sooky... but he's going through a really clingy sooky stage. Hope it ends soon! I want my fun, crazy laughter filled boy back!
Hey Lisa, we hadn't heard of an upside down banana cake either... it's just a normal banana cake... but before you put the mixture into the cake tin you add two tablespoons of brown sugar into the tin....and smooth it out and then cut up one banana and lay it on the brown sugar. (You have to put baking paper down before the sugar though.) And then when you're done.... just tip it out and put it upside down! EASY! AND YUMMY!
Sea and sand piccies anytime for me, just to show me what I'm missing. My ideal would be something like you have I think - living surrounded by fields, but just a 5 minute journey to reach the sea.
it looks lovely, lucky you!
What a beautiful part of the world you live in. I'd say that was a great day ... our football looks a little different here in the state - looks more like your rugby - and yours looks like our soccer! Isn't that funny!
How lucky you are to live in such a beautiful location! Love the pictures of baby G in the sand. He's a beach boy!
What a wonderful beach! I have photos of myself crying as a baby when I walked on sand for the first time. Both my daughters were very worried about it too! You can't beat a day on the beach, it's great
Glad to hear you made the most of our beautiful sunshine at the weekend.
sarah x
So glad to hear you're having good weahter. The beach looks like a fun day
That beach is so wide!
looks like a lovely day
It looks like you had a fab day! Wasn't it a shame that Sunday was so foggy? I wish the weather would brighten up again! Lucy x
A family day out at the beach, there is nothing better to put lots of smiles on faces. x
What a beautiful day you guys had! Jessie also hated sand and would crawl along on finger tips and toes like a crab screaming all the way! ... Ben ate the sand :)!
You lucky things and a lighthouse too! Funnily enough my second one neverminds the sea and sand and B hated it. I think second borns just sort of get on with things a bit more and pehaps we're a bit more relaxed about letting them maybe?
I am yearning for some sea air and hoping beyond hope we can get to the South West at the end of the summer.
Hope Milo's bumps are better poor chap.
P.s The skirt on my blog is from New Look. The price wasn't a bargain (£22) but I got it for free in exchange for a dress I bought a while ago and realised I'll never wear. So a sort of indirect bargain if you know what I mean!
Thanks for your lovely comments btw.
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