Up until 1984 Sunderland had an airport which was closed to make way for the Nissan car plant. Now there is a museum just next to the car plant which is run entirely by volunteers and on donations.
Although it's only a few miles from where we live neither Hub or myself had been there before. As we got off the bus the heavens opened and we got drenched which wasn't really a good start but the sun did come out and by the time we were on our way home it was quite hot and sunny.
Milo got to go in few cockpits and although wary at first once he got in we couldn't get him out!
The Flying Flea
Remote controlled tanks - definately big boys toys
There were quite a few people dressed up in 1940's soldier outfits, which I wish I'd taken more pictures of.
I liked this one
Milo liked this one
A Vulcan
I've got a bit of a soft spot for jeeps and I think we all had a good time
I've also had an idea for a swap so tune in soon for the next instalment !!
Welcome back! Milo looks very cute flying the plane!
I was really disappointed for you Lisa that the Sunderland airshow was cancelled. I would have been really disappointed as I love airshows. I am sure I have a photo of a Flying Flea somewhere, and of Dads Army? The trip to the Aircraft Museum looks like a good one. I love Milo's new haircut, he looks so grown up. x
Welcome home! Hope you had a great time away. Milo looks like he had an awesome time!!! Yuk to the rainy weather though! Isn't it funny how sometimes the places closest to us we never visit! Do you take buses and trains everywhere? Or go in the car?
Welcome back from hols! Looking forward to the Corfu pics...
What a magic place to visit for little boys! Shame about the rain but I doubt it detracted from Milo's excitement at the aeroplanes- he looks as though he had a fab time.
Welcome back ...looks like Milo had a great time in the planes and jeeps he is such a little boy.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday in Corfu! The museum looks like a great day out Milo looks to be in his element flying that plane no wonder he didn't want to get out!
My boys would have been in heaven! I love your new header ~ great pic. Can't wait to hear your swap idea!
Looks like you had a good time! I love Vulcans! Live long and prosper! Oh I don't think you ment those ones did you ... oh well.
Mmmmmm another swap?
I love that old truck...I bet your little man was in his element..lol
Boys and trucks - Freddie is cars and truck mad.
thank you for sharing your day out...I am having a little blog read..I am supposed to be ironing!
Carol xx
Welcome back! Can't wait to see your vacation photos.
ooh that looks like a great day out! we might have to go.
looking forward to seeing your holiday photos, nice to have you home safe.
pop over soon Lisa I have something for you!
Carol x
Considering how close we live to the museum it's really silly that we've never been there either! I'll have to get organised and pop over some time soon! Lucy x
A single misconception about these is that they have to be expensive. In fact, you can purchase a very Jets LED Jets affordable starter airplane online that will permit you to sharpen your flying skills and learn ways to get a plane off the ground.
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