Well that was a bit of a to do, hopefully I've found everyone now and I've found a few extras too, so that was quite nice.
I'd just like to say a huge Thank You to all the comments about my quilting, my mind is now set at rest and it is going to be continued in the same pattern. I will show you the finished product so don't worry. I think I also have to explain that Hub likes the actual quilt he just thought that the " echo lines" detracted from the flowers ( which he actually suggested that I do)bless him , he is such a sweetie and I love him to bits. It was all my fault if I made him come across like a baddie.
Now, I did actually manage to get one WIP from last month finished, I can't believe it's the 1st of May already which means it's only 10 weeks until the boys birthdays when Milo will turn 4 and Baby G will be 1..scary. Anyway, got a bit side tracked there, here is what I finished- a friend for Periwinkle. I did eventually persuade Milo that he needed arms and legs or he wouldn't be able to play with the other toys whilst he was asleep.
Here they are having a chat while the sun was shining.
Posing with the mini daffodils
He hasn't actually got a name yet, Milo wants to call him Chef, but I was thinking Sir Claret as his nose is a bit stuck up in the air and he is a wine colour?
Yesterday I had a meet up, my first one, with Sarah, it was lovely to meet you Sarah and although we didn't have a 4 hour chat like she did with Lucy , we still managed a short chat whilst drinking a hot chocolate topped with cream and Milo being a 3 year old and acting himself!!
Now I'm determined to get the quilt finished this month as I'd like to start some bunting for the July birthdays, amongst other things......
6 days ago
he is a gorgeous color - and I agree , toys need legs and arms, usually ! LOL
Glad to see Chef/Sir Claret has got some limbs now! Glad too that you found your contacts again. have a fab weekend
I love the animals! So cute ... you had a comp. problem - I had a sewing machine problem ... got it fixed so now all is left is sewing your tote together - yipee!
I'm just sorry I didn't manage to meet up with you too! Looks like you have been busy lately! Lucy x
Hi Lisa, I love your claret bear, such a cute face! Thanks for your tip about Prairie Mouse, I am going to visit the site now. Have a great weekend.x
Lisa your bears are adorable! I like the name Sir Claret.... he sounds so distinguished. x
Sir Claret sounds like an excellent name for him. He looks like he's ready to jump right into your arms for a little snuggling. So Cute!
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