A big thank you to everyone who has sent Milo postcards and cards, here is his collection so far. Since I last showed his cards we have recieved more from Lisa, Alison, Maree and Vanessa.

You guys have been so generous and kind sending him cards and stamps and other goodies. If anyone would like any cards or anything in return please don't hesitate to ask....
Now I've been tagged by
Vanessa and
Sarah,I'm going to separate the answers with pictures that Hub took from our day out in Durham on Monday, they are from our walk along the river...here goes

1) What was I doing 10 years ago?
I had been working at T-Mobile for about 6 months and had just recently re-met the man who was to become my husband ( little did I know it at the time). You know something ,as hard as I rack my brains I can't really remember - it must have been all the nights out and alcohol consumption around this time!

2)What are 5 things on your to do list today?
Find some postcards to send to some sweet little girls in Oregon - done.
Take Milo to the museum seeing as how it's school holidays - done.
Type up a blog post - nearly done.
Knit some knickers - half done.
Sort out the washing - hmmmm

3)Snacks I enjoy.
Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate.. I think I'm addicted!

4)Things I would do if I was a billionaire.
Move house probably abroad, Travel a lot, decent education for the boys, make sure parents and siblings are comfortable. Make sure Hub got to swim with dolphins and pass my driving test.

5)Places I have lived.
Finsbury Park in London
In the dreamland in my head.

Now I'm supposed to tag 6 people but I'm just going to leave it open for anyone who would like to do this. I've also been tagged for 'quirks' by
Lina but I'm going to save this until another day.
For everyone who commented on my quilt, thank you so much. It has now been delivered to the intended recipient and I think gratefully recieved. Sorry I haven't managed to reply to you all individually but it has been a bit busy here with it being school holidays.