Last night I made a start on putting the Christmas decorations up , just a few things as hub is on late shifts this week and I didn't fancy putting the tree up by myself. I was intending to wrap some green foliage like ivy or holly around the light also but it's all hidden again under the snow that fell last night.
There are still quite a few berries on the trees but every morning I've been chopping up a couple of slices of bread and throwing it into the back lane for the birds to eat. We only really get seagulls and pigeons but there are a few starlings still knocking around and a family of crows. I've been chopping up bits of fruit too , every little helps in this weather I think.
We are still sledging to school. It is soooooo much quicker for Gabe to get pulled because if not he stops literally every two seconds to throw what he classes as snowballs.
Dobby doesn't mind the cold as he is safely tucked away in a nice warm drawer just waiting to go into a certain someone's Christmas stocking .
The pattern is available from
here .... it's a really easy pattern to actually knit but I wasn't concentrating as I was sewing him up and as the bits for his feet and ears look pretty similar I ended up sewing his feet to his head !!! They don't look too bad though I think ? His eyes were a pain to do and I just couldn't get them right , this was as close as I could get.
Now I have to get on and finish the 8 pairs of wrist warmers I've got earmarked for presents and also a little green someone for Gabe.