Firstly I'm going to apologise for being a numpty ...I couldn't actually do any pictures because I was in the HTML screen instead of compose--doh. I did say in my first post that I wasn't very computer literate, but then again I did actually manage ( for the first time I might add) to get the pictures from the actual camera on to the laptop, so I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that.
So here goes....
Saturday night we had this

Early Sunday morning in the park we had this

And this

Then we went looking for cobwebs

Frosty berries

I'm really getting into photography now , my little camera goes everywhere with me.
Now Kim don't get too excited because these photographs are not very good at all. Basically G has this soft toy which M always wants to play with so I cut up one of his old blankets that wasn't in the best condition and made this


The reason he has been called a "Wonk" is that once again his head is wonky and his eyes are a bit skew whiff.... M wanted to call him Periwinkle , so we explained that that was bears name so he changed it to Teriwinkle or Terry for short. Teriwinkle Wonk has a bit of a ring about it don't you think chuckle.
Now the other night I was searching on the internet for a decent material shop up here in the North East and I found one called The Fat Quarters in a place called Blackhall Mill which is 5 miles outside of Newcastle. They do have a website ( I haven't figured out how to do a link yet sorry) and although it will take me a couple of hours to get there via Metro and bus as I don't drive , I really want to go and have a look around . So next week I'm going to drag kiddywinkles along with me as I don't have any babysitters and it's a school holiday. If I can I'll take some pics and let you know what it's like.