So the school holidays started last week and so did the sickness, we hardly left the house all week, well when I say we I mean me, Gabe and Milo - Hub had to go to work . Although he did get a frantic call from moi last Wednesday to come home as I could not leave the bathroom !!!
Gabe has cold and conjunctivitis , Milo has a cold/cough and a viral infection with a rash ( which we were told may or may not be contagious so to keep away from other kids ) and me well the sick virus has gone but the cold and runny nose remains.
It got to the point where we just had to leave the house and the weather today has been absolutely glorious so we went to the beach.

We got there just after 10am and as you can see

plenty of space , no chance of passing the rash to anyone.

The tide was way way out so the boys were in their element exploring rock pools and just generally enjoying some freedom.

On the rock below there are reddish/black jelly like things which I think are sea anemones - anyone?

We didn't find any crabs but did have more luck with sea glass .

Hope you had as nice a day as we did .... roll on tomorrow .