I can't believe that it's nearly Autumn, I can't say it is yet because I am just not ready for Summer to go - I've enjoyed the sun and the light , watching the boys run around every day in shorts and a t -shirt. Gabe was so not happy the other day when I had to put jeans on him, he just kept pulling at them and saying " off, off , no like jeans " ,,, can't say I blame him to be honest. The weather is definately changing , it's chillier, and walking to school in the mornings there is definately a nip in the air ..... nope I'm so not ready for it.
At the beginning of the holidays I said I was going to do Milo a blanket and try to get it finished before the school started again...... let's just say it didn't happen . I did try but because it was a hot/humid few weeks I just wasn't capable of sitting with a huge woolly blanket on my knee, it is getting there though - honestly.
I did manage to get some other bits and pieces done , jeez I've just looked back at previous posts and I haven't shown you any crafty bits since July -- wow. Think I'd better show you what I've been up to don't you...
When I was doing Milo's ripple Gabe kept pointing to the lime green colour and saying it was his -- so he got a monster. The little one fits inside the big ones front pocket.
I made Patsy for a swap on Ravelry .
I made a few things for my Etsy shop and they'll be going in over the next few days when I take some decent photos of them.
This is Norbert with his fishing rod,
and this is Lily,
and Tilly.
Now Tilly was a bit of a challenge as she is slightly bigger than all the other bunnies . She is 15" tall and is made entirely of Rowan Alpaca soft which makes her so soft and squishy you wouldn't believe.
I have made a few other bits and pieces too but they are Christmas based so I'll be showing them shortly.
What else have I been up to , errrm..... playing lots of Farmville on Facebook so if there is anyone out there who hasn't already become my neighbour -- then why not :-).
I had a tooth out last week, it broke whilst I was eating a sandwich and the dentist whipped it straight out. Now I've just got ulcers all over the roof of my mouth which hurt like crazy and it's really painful to eat or even drink anything -- good for the diet though I suppose !!!
All the good American shows have started again , so I'm watching Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, 90210, America's Next Top Model , NCIS La and I'm waiting for Eastwick which premieres tomorrow , oh and The Mentalist .... so many .
Well I think maybe I've prattled on enough now so I'm going to leave you with a song from Glee which I just can't get out of my head , it's originally by Journey ( just in case you were wondering )
I couldn't get it to upload but please go watch it --- it'll leave you smiling -- ( if anyone can explain to me how to upload a video from youtube I'd be grateful )
I was sorry to see summer end too Lisa. But now that fall has arrived and it is still sunny and warm outside I don't feel quite so glum!
My goodness you have been busy with all those wonderful projects. Maybe when it gets cooler you will be able to get some more work done on that blanket.
Those guys are too cute - I love the little monsters.
Summer did fly by ... although some days it dragged on and on!
I'm ready for fall - fires in the fire place and hot drinks to warm me up.
Your little creatures are adorable. My daughter picked them all for me to knit her, now that has seen yours ;)
aah i love norbert and tilly !!!! xx
Holy Cow -- you've been so busy! I love all your adorable little knits!
First of all I hope the ulcers heal soon. Summer has passed me by this year, I cannot believe it is pretty much over. The 'makes' are lovely Lisa, and good luck with the sales. x
At least cooler weather means you can return to the blanket with gusto. Over ont he other side of the world we are all busy saying at every opportuntity, Summer's nearly here.
I'm not surprised you didn't get the blanket finished with all those other darling things you've made. Hope the mouth gets better soon.
You have been busy I love all of your knitted creations I think Norbert is my favourite.
I can't believe how much you've made! Amazing! Lucy x
You have made such lovely things - the toys are really sweet!
Pomona x
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