Wednesday 9 November 2011

* 116 *

 Honestly, the older I get the more forgetful I get. It's a standing joke here and even the boys take the mickey out of me.
 But last night's forgetful episode was a doozy. Now I don't know whether it was down to old age or the fact that I hadn't sat down since about 8am with a five hour standing shift at work but,,,,,,but ,,,, I forget to pick up Milo from school!!!
 Oh, the shame of it. I walked to school and got Gabe then walked home again. I was just about to put the key in the front door when my phone rang, it was Milo's teacher reminding me that a letter had been sent out last week to inform us that Tuesdays after school club had been cancelled. Luckily I know her so she thought it was quite funny. There was no way my feet could cope with walking back again so I took the car.
 At the minute I don't know if I'm coming or going and my head is all over the place so today I've had a day of rest, a day just for me. Well, that was after the school run, the shopping and the washing of dishes and clothes .
As for the flowers, a little something bought by me for me. They look quite pretty on the now tidy table don't they. My feet are still throbbing so I might just have to do the same tomorrow.


driftwood said...

oh dear. you clearly needed a treat, the flowers are lovely. xxx

Simone said...

I forget things on a daily basis! I hope the new job is going ok. With all the new things to remember at work it is no wonder you forget other things ocassionally! x

Amanda said...

You did have an excuse as he usually goes after club:) I once forgot to pick my daughter up, her dad usually did the school run and as he was working at my parents I thought he would pick her up as usual....forgetting I had the car so it was me who should pick her up as he couldn't. Doh!

Beth of The Linen Cat said...

Oh no! I've done it..forgot charlie once at pre-school and also turned up for oldest when he had a club and stood there wondering where he was. I think all Mum's have done it at some point and he would normally be at a club so is so easily done.

Lovely flowers. Bx