Note the natty combo of shorts , t-shirt and wellingtons ( I have been advised that they have to have their full title!!)
The colours were so amazing and fresh, I wish I had the words or camera to describe them as they deserve - you can see how they are starting to change from Summer into Autumn.
We found rosehips that were so big and round they looked like they were about to burst
Plump and juicy berries
Deep in the undergrowth there were these mushrooms/toadstools. I really must get a book and learn more about fungi. There were also the smallest toadstools I have ever seen , I couldn't get a decent picture no matter how hard I tried.
Can you spot the heron, he's becoming a regular visitor
The water was too fast for Pooh sticks
The weather started to change again so we had decided to head off back home when Milo spotted this little tree growing out of the chimney pot
So, that was our afternoon. I hope you liked spending it with us, in my next post there will be some crafting pics ( yes I have been doing some) an award and a tag - phew
Have a lovely weekend x
Lisa what a fantastic mummy you are! What a fantastic afternoon your boys must have had! Beautiful photos!!!!
I love the way little ones can take pleasure in really simple things - puddles afford hours of fun don't they? Who needs tweeting plastic toys with flashing lights? Such a lovely post and the colours are very rich - gorgeous.
Great photos! and I have an older version of Milo, loves to be dirty!!!
It sounds like a fab day, wonderful photos. Your children will have such wonderful memories when they grow up.
Gorgeous photos everything looks so vibrant, espesh your little chap:) Twiglet will roll around in mud/jump in puddles/poke twigs into tree trunks for hours, it's lovely to watch littlies enjoy nature isn't it.
I must say your banner photo is absolutely fab, really sweet.
Twiggy x
Thanks for taking me on your walk....the lovely lushness of England it is so beautiful that was one of the things I loved about my time over there.
There is nothing so fun as splashing in puddles!
Great pic's Lisa! Milo looks like such a big boy. Great fun in those puddles
Wellingtons and puddles, what fun!
Love the photo's everything looks so lovely and green.
Such fun times you are all having. Good to see the rain can't keep you in.
It looks like you've been having some good days out lately - I love all your photos! Lucy x
Milo looks as if he is on a mission, who wouldn't be in this lovely place. It's great for everyone to be learning all about nature in these surroundings. Well done to Milo for spotting the chimney tree, and great puddle splashing being done by Baby G. x
I love those photos - splashing in puddles is always fun (perhaps I am still a child!) It rains in NY a lot and when I first got here it was clear that I would need a pair of 'wellingtons' - of I went and inquired at Bloomingdales for 'Wellies' .. they looked blank so I asked for 'Wellington Boots' where upon I was directed towards the designer shoe department. Turns out they are called Rain Boots in the US ... these guys are far too literal ;-)
It is so beautiful where you live! I just love all of your pictures. I feel like I've gotten to take a walk with you and your beautiful boys. By the way, your new banner is just precious. x
You make such amazing photos!! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog and hey, lets swap thimblefuls - I want one of your photographic skill!! What a great afternoon!
hooray for mud! astrid came home covered in it today :)
Wonderful pictures, I bet your boys had a wonderful afternoon with you. Thanks so much for sharing the picture of the rose hips/
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