Now for some crafting news, yesterday I took a big step and actually used my sewing machine to start sewing my bunting. It was all going swimmingly when I ran out of thread on my spool - this is a big thing when you've never rethreaded one before, I managed this okay or so I thought. When I started stitching again the top thread was alright but the bottom thread had gone all loopy. I can here all you sewers out there going ahhh and knowing what the problem was straight away. I didn't, so I trawled the internet which said 'tension' - so I fiddled with this for about an hour all to no avail. Then I had a thought of inspiration.. my saviour across the pond would know what the problem was . After a few e-mails back and forth and my rethreading with a different thread and making sure it was in anti clockwise hurrah all solved.
At this point Baby G woke from his nap so I was unable to do anymore sewing.. instead I nipped out for a seam ripper!
For the rest of the afternoon I was itching to get back to my machine . Finally it was bed time for the boys and tonight it was my turn to put them to bed. But then I had a huge dilemma, I like football and have been watching Euro 2008 but I needed to sew... how could I watch the Portugal match and do my bunting?
After reading Milo his story and tucking him in I came downstairs to this.....
Hub had moved the kitchen table into the back room for me and set up the machine so I could sew and watch telly. Isn't he just the best? I hasten to add that this is the room where the boys normally play!!
I got all the bunting triangles sewn and now tonight I will just have to put the binding on. Fingers crossed all goes well :-)
Sewing and watching Television. Now that is clever! Well done with regards to losing the weight.
Well done on the weight loss, I have been really bad this week, but I do feel that my stomach has gone down but that I think is down to the fact that I have stopped eating so much bread!
Well done on the sewing front!
Vanessa x
Good for you on your weight loss, I am glad that you are out of your funk.
Yeaa ! On all fronts. I have been sewing for some time and I still mess up threading my machine. sigh.
What a great hubbie!
congrats on losing the funk and the 1lb.
what a sweetie your hubby is to move the sewing machine for you, can't wait to see how you've got on!
How sweet!! I love the setup you have now!
Sewing and TV is a winning combination! Glad your sorted out your tension woes - nothing is more frustrating tht when yur machine doesn't run in a nice straight line! Can't wait to see the finished bunting....
I always watch the telly while I'm sewing. Well done on getting the bunting done - can't wait to see it.
How sweet of your hubby, he's a keeper! I just made my first bunting as well. It turned out pretty cute. I remember getting used to a sewing machine for the first time. I almost threw it out the window! It will all become second nature soon. :)
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