Well, on the house front we now have 3 rooms ready, 4 coats of paint on the bathroom ceiling was a nightmare and a pain on the shoulders, but it looks lovely now. Milo's and Baby G's rooms are ready too. I've also managed to do some quilting, but I'm saving that for later.
Now , thanks to my lovely Post lady , who even stopped her car to give me a parcel when she saw me walking down the street, I recieved 3 parcels this week.
The first one was this lovely card purse from Sew Christine, which I won on her giveaway. Thanks Christine.
Secondly was from
Lina, can you believe I won another giveaway.. I felt so lucky when you consider I am one of those people who never win anything.
This lovely little quilt, a small bottle of Maple syrup and some Maple candy sweets shaped like Maple leaves-- very yummy. Thanks Lina.

My photographs really are rubbish.
Lastly, Hub said I could get a few bits and pieces but these will have to last me a while so from
Dungarees and Daisies I bought these

and these

and these

You will notice they all kind of go together , with some other FQ's that I already had as I do have a project in mind. I'm really liking the Moda dots at the minute.

I couldn't resist this , have no idea what I'm going to do with it though

and I got this from
So that's my parcel loot.
Milo and I made some cakes too, unfortunately from a box mix that had been sitting in the cupboard for a while and the camera batteries went before I could take a pic of the finished

but you get the idea.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.