Hey guys, how are you all doing, good weekend I hope?
I am totally going to overload you with photo's today I'm afraid,
because today something happened that was a once in a lifetime event and I don't want any of us to forget it.
Even thinking about it now makes me smile, a big, huge smile.
So, to start at the beginning. Today was our yearly trip through to Newcastle to see the pumpkins at the market.
We started off having a wander around the old castle, gatehouse circa 1247 so pretty old.
Then a walk down to the river front where the market is passing a lady abseiling down the front of a hotel for charity. Way to go strange lady you are so much braver than me.
Passed some random poster graffiti of a chicken holding a mans head - very strange.
Then passing a car where the guy was singing to a dog - honestly!
Finally reached the market where we had to partake of the most delicious chocolate brownies ever. No pic's of them as they were wolfed down.
Along to the pumpkin stall, all luckily grown I might add. We also bought some hyacinth bulbs, last year it was daffodils.
Then across to the Baltic Museum on the other side of the river crossing the Millenium Bridge to get there.
It is probably just me but I really don't get this place at all. It's a gorgeous building but the things inside ...... not my taste of art at all.
Last year we saw dead trees all laid down in a line, this year I really don't know what it was .
So I'll just leave it at that!
The best thing about the Baltic was in fact the view from the top, awesome.
So anyway, are you wanting to know about the once in a lifetime thing, you are aren't you ?
Well here goes. We knew that the bridge was going to open just after 12 and as we had never seen it before we thought we'd hang around to watch it. While we were waiting we got chatting to this man about football and then he disappeared. The tannoy started going telling everyone to clear the bridge so of course the boys joined in shouting away and then, ooooh excited now, and then the man came back and asked the boys if they wanted to press the button to make the bridge open ................
They looked at me all wide eyed and then back to the man , er yes please, open the Millenium bridge --- hell yeah !!!
The bridge opened, the boat passed by turned around and went back the way it had come. As it went back it blew it's horn and then it was time to close the bridge .
Open and close ........... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO.
Milo also got to talk over the tannoy .......... ' open the gates' . All the people around were laughing and smiling with them as the boys just taking in their excitement.
It really was just an amazing brilliant thing for them to be able to do and it pleases me no end that I was there to watch the happiness that just poured out of them.

Oh and they got to meet a lego C3PO too..... what a great day .
Thank you to everyone for the Etsy advice too, I'll be coming back to it but just had to get the bridge excitement out of the way first.