I've been trying to write a post for days for days and things just keep running away from me . I've been wanting to tell you all about my new job , well sort of job anyway.
Gabe starts nursery in September , he'll be there 3 hours a day 5 days a week . At this point people have turned around and said woo hoo you'll have some free time, time for yourself . Well nope, that's not going to happen. I will also be starting school - to train as a classroom assistant. The best part is that after a lot of fighting and some disappointment which later turned to elation I have managed to get a place at the boys school, things are going good let me tell you - happy happy happy.
Hopefully I'll get the training all out of the way when Gabe is at nursery and then when he starts school full time September 2011 I'll be fully trained and ready to go back to work full time. It's not that I haven't enjoyed being at home with the boys because I have , but I'm ready to go back into the big wide world and enjoy adult conversation as well as little people conversation.
I also have a lot of bunnies to show you, I'm really enjoying my knitting at the minute and thank to you guys I managed to raise £70 for the Sports Relief charity.
We've also had a few family days out which I really want to show you but that'll have to wait until later in the week .
This little chap was a special order for Louise to match her cornish ware - thank you Louise , much appreciated. Hope you don't mind me pinching the pic from your Blog ..
Well, I'm off to watch New Moon ( again ) now and hopefully I'll be back in a couple of days. Oh and speaking of moons - if you can see past the clouds it's the Storm moon tonight ..