Last week the weather was gorgeous , if not a bit humid so we spent a lot of time outside , letting the boys just run about and blow off steam. We spent quite a bit of time at the park.
If you look closely you might just notice Milo's summer haircut.
And a lot of time at the beach.
For some reason Gabe insists on pulling the peak of his cap right down over his face so most of the pics are like the one above.
He also adores the water, a proper water baby.
And Gabe got a mini black eye courtesy of Milo during a book throwing incident !!
And now I need to ask for your help .... since the boys birthdays we have been searching for two Ben 10 figures but we cannot find them anywhere. They are called Big Chill and Goop and are both 10cm high and have a little clear plastic figures in the packet with them, these clear figures fit on top of the Omnitrix watch. Price wise they are normally about £5, we have seen them on Ebay but they are going for ridiculous amounts . So if anyone sees either of these could you please let me know .....
This is Big Chill

and this is Goop

Hopefully someone might spot them somewhere --- thank you.
We've been having lots of fun at the beach lately too - it's so fab!
Hope someone can find the Ben 10 figures for you!
Lucy x
It looks like the summer holiday is going well so far, apart from the black eye.
I will keep an eye out for the figures!
Love Lou xxx
Oh do you live close to the beach? Such lovely photos! I'm afraid I can't helps with the Ben 10 stuff- I only know about pinkness!
Love the beach pics I still love sinking my feet in wet sand. Can't help with Ben 10 not sure I would know him if I saw him LOL.
Looks like the kids are having fun for the holidays... except for a black eye! Ouch!! Hope you find the figurines you're looking for. I haven't seen anything here... shall keep my eye out now that I know what the heck they look like!!
Oh I love your new header! wow.
Love that hair cut ;-) Boys!
Looks like you guys had a great time. We are bored out of our skulls here too - school starts in just two weeks - I'm sad and excited at the same time.
The family I nanny for has Big Chill. I can ask them where they got it, although I don't know if a place in the States will help you or not. :)
Beautiful beach photos - such a wide open space.
Boys and black eyes I guess is the run of the mill and as they get older the more prouder they become of their bumps and bruises!!
I'm no all that up on Ben 10 - sorry, but I will keep a look out down these parts. I bet if Woollies was still around you'd have no probs at all.
Nina x
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