About a twenty minute drive from our house is a farm called Tweddle Farm, now this farm isn't your ordinary farm with cows, sheep etc , although they do have cows and sheep , oh no this is more your exotic type of farm and I loved it.
There was a barn with babies in it - this little one is called Jo Jo..
The otters were so cute and squeaky.
A reptile house , this isn't my arm but I did stroke the snake .. very soft
There were quite a few monkeys including one called Josh who came to the bars when you called his name and the tiniest Tamarin's but all my photos of these are pretty rubbish.
You could buy bags of animal feed , and once the boys overcome their nerves they wanted to feed all the animals.
including this magnificent beast .
Diggers to ride on and slides to slide on.
By the end of the day we all felt a bit like this
Well I know I did anyway !! If you are ever in the area I recommend it , so many different types of birds and animals , I don't think I've showed you even half of what was there.
Oh, and if you fancy winning this awesome quilt, nip across to Kellies and enter her 100th post giveaway, but you'll have to be quick as entries close midnight ( Australian time ) September 2nd.