Then after lunch it was down to the park, we've been making the most of the glorious weather we've been having lately it's been hot hot hot and very very humid . Today we went to check out " the funny tree "
with it's odd branches and spiky leaves
Close by there were dozens of pine cones, so the boys had great fun throwing them everywhere
I took a few minutes to relax and make daisy chains
Milo couldn't get the hang of making chains so gave me this instead
After the pine cone throwing and kicking of footballs it was time for tea..... Al Fresco style.
This refreshing drink went down a treat I can tell you.
Now while we are waiting for the food to cook I'll show you my yard.... You might not remember but last year we had a white crumbly wall, this year our neighbour Mrs Woman gave us a new one
It took a while to get used to but I quite like it now -- it's a nice backdrop for my sweet peas and geraniums.
We don't have a huge space but I keep telling myself it's better than none at all and I try to fill it with as many plants as I can but still leave enough for the boys to play. In the bottom left hand corner are 4 cherry trees which hub grew from pips, this year they flowered for the first time and we are now the proud owners of 1 cherry which is slowly ripening!!
Whilst the BBQ was warming up it was time for raspberrys from Pops
This week has also been a week of firsts for Milo, not only did he have lemonade for the first time and like it but today we discovered he liked squid so while we tucked into seafood kebabs he had squid and prawn. We've never stopped him having fizzy drinks he just never wanted them as he didn't like the fizz but I have to say the squid really surprised me.
Then came play time -- again. Ages ago Hub made 2 swords from polystyrene packaging and the boys love them.
not so sure about hub though .
The boys are safely tucked up in bed now and outside it's extremely wet as not long after we came indoors the heavens opened and the thunder and lightning began.
Fingers crossed next weekend will be as lovely as today as we are having not 1 but 2 parties to celebrate 2 birthdays. We must be mad ..
So I'll probably be a bit MIA this week as there's quite a bit to sort out..
Oh, before I go I just wanted to say Hi to Jane P , thank you and these are for you.
Looks like a perfect day full of family, fun and food.
A lovely family day - perfect.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
Nina x
Your little pirates looks so cute! Enjoy all the birthday celebrations!!
looks like your lads had a wonderful time!
Gosh you've been busy - looks like lots of fun. Have a good week x
What a perfect day, they are the best sort! Your boys are so sweet!
What a lovely post! I love the look of your garden, very pretty.
Let’s hope there is lots more days like that too come-love Lou xxx
You look like you had so much fun!,
Your sweet peas are great-mine didn't even germinate this year!
I like your little outdoor space--it's charming.
Thanks for your sweet comments on my summer list. Those birds you linked to are lovely!
Hi ,just found your blog, its lovely. The funny tree looks like something out of Harry Potter, like it might move its funny branches and scoop someone up or swipe them off their feet! Lovely photos. x Noelle
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