After being woke up by Milo about 5.30 am again I was not looking forward to the day , especially when Hub said that we really should go grocery shopping. Now I absolutely HATE grocery shopping but we went anyway, well we had to or starve. It went okay I suppose.
Back home Hub did all the unpacking while I put G down for his nap. Then me, hub and Milo had lunch of roast chicken and ciabatta rolls - yummy.
After lunch Milo sat in the kitchen colouring in
Hub decided to make Pumpkin pie ( none of us had had this before, but we couldn't let all the pumpkin from Halloween go to waste ).
Whist I finished off this little lady for another little lady called Grace that was born yesterday. I could hear the pair of them singing to Bob Marley in the other room. That would be Hub and Milo not the two little ladies..
Hub called me into the kitchen , not only had he done all the washing up and tidied everything away but ....
isn't it amazing what you can do with dried peas?
G got up and had his lunch then danced to The Wiggles
Milo had his hair cut - he really needed it as he was getting a serious basin head - he didn't want it cutting, can you tell?
He cheered up after it was done though or maybe that was due to the blasting of The Ramones!! The before and after pictures don't look that much different but believe me when I say there really is a huge difference
The pumpkin pies turned out a treat, just enough cinnamon and the texture was like old fashioned custard tarts... perfect with ice cream.
Supper time while listening to No Use For A Name.
Both the boys are sound asleep now, hub is watching NFL and I've got Spanish Football on - we've just had pizza ( which I didn't like much), but all in all not a bad day I think.
Hope you all had a lovely Sunday too.
Woohoo! Congratulations on the new lappy! So exciting getting a new poota isn't it? Apart from having to transfer all your favourites, etc.
Lovely looking pumpkin pies - what a clever Mr Winkle you have (that sounds wrong on so many levels).
How sweet, the i love you with the peas. Love the look of the pumpkin pies. Hope you have fun with the new toy! lou x
Ooooo your boys are cuties. I have never had pumpkin pie, it looks scrummy. What a great husband cooks pie and leaves sweet messages, does he wash up afterwards too - if so, send him over here and he can give Mr Twigs some pumpkin pie training :)
Twiggy x
I hate grocery shopping as well but its mainly because i never make a list or plan meals ahead of time and then i forget stuff or get junk.
Awww how sweet of your husband :)
and Yummy pumpkin pie i haven't made one before and really want to-i actually got all the stuff i needed last week and meant to make it htis weekend but i got lazy-maybe next week.
A new laptop good for you! A hubby that bakes pumpkin pies, what more could a gal want!!
Lovely pic's of your little ones, it looks like you had a lovely Sunday.
sounds like a lovely sunday! and the message in the peas is adorable!
What a gorgeous message!
Lisa, I love your kitchen! and what a sweetie!!!
A very musical day! Sounds like you got a chance to relax a bit. I hate getting woken up early by the kids, and it is a bit better in our house, 7am.
I adore the super cute dried pea love message!!!
Good taste in music. My two love rocking out to what ever is on kerrang nowadays - can't have them growing up with poor taste in music. I also think my two must be the only two in the village who know what vinyl is!
What a romantic husband you have!!! Pea messages and baking desert - what more could you want?!! And there is nothing like a new haircut for little boys, they always look so much more grown up after a trim!
Your Sunday sounds just fine (apart from the grocery shopping bit which I hate too)! The message in peas was really thoughtful - must have taken him ages! He bakes Pumpkin pies too? You have a real gem of a husband there.
Love the message with the peas!
thats what Sundays are for...
Lisa, this is such a nice post. It is so lovely to hear of, and see, such a happy family, spending time together on a Sunday. x
I have to agree with Louise, what a smashing family day. And as for the lovely and romantic creation on the counter...well..thaqt is devotion.
I giggled when I read about you hating the grovery shop...I have not been going at all lately and my cupboards are bare! the girls where round today with the 3 babies and I blushed a wee bit as I struggled to find lumch! I just said we are on a Crutch Crunch in this home!
Pumpkin pie is wonderful! : )
So glad you got to try some. And what a nice hubby - to do the cooking and washing up.
: )
Gee G is getting even more handsome! What a beautiful husband you have there Lisa! You are very lucky! Mine would rather die than go to the supermarket!
We wont be doing any shopping as our dollar is so bad at the moment it is all cheaper at home!!! :(
Except for fabric! :)
what lovely boys you have - all of them - that was a sweet message in dried peas!
You have made me want to make some pumpkin pie now - not long til thanksgiving - I will give it a go then.
Grace is so cute too.
Sounds like a great day to me! I shall have to show that "i love you" to Mr Ragged Roses and show him where I keep the lentils ...!
What a lovely romantic husband you have, shall drop that into conversation later on with Mr PL!!!
I'm so wanting a new laptop, this one has to warm up for at least 10 mins before it even decides to show me the google page!! Hope you're enjoying the speediness of your lovely new one.
Just caught up on your blog and saw that you've been to Hawaii. I lived there for a while in Honolulu, but that was 20 years ago, when you return can I tag along too?!!!!!
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