This morning we loaded the car up and with me shaking like a leaf we set off on our first journey. Our first destination was my parents house to show them our purchase. My parents live in a village with only one road in and out of it, as I was driving round the roundabout at the top of this road the car died - slap bang in the middle of the roundabout -- kaput -- nothing. Hub and a very kind man pushed it off the road and into a bus stop. My dad arrived to help and started the car straight away saying it might have been a bit of dust in the petrol as we had just filled it up. We spent some time at their house watching a lovely pheasant in their back garden and then decided to go for a spin along the coast .
It was bitterly cold ( I forgot to mention we did have a very thin covering of snow this morning) but the waves were amazing and it was a really great feeling just to be able to stop whenever we wanted and then jump back into the warmth of the car and go somewhere else.
We decided to stop for lunch of hot roast chicken and sausages , but when it came time to start the car again - NOTHING, it just wouldn't start and the sudden smell of petrol was overpowering. I tried to call the garage where we bought it only to be told they were closed on Saturday!!! Luckily there was a mechanic from the AA ( car breakdown service) close by, he had a look and told us that the cap had came off the fuel pipe so there wasn't any fuel getting to the engine. He managed to mend it temporarily but said we must get back in touch with the garage we got it from on Monday .
So off we set again, 5 minutes down the road - NOTHING AGAIN - to say that both me and Hub were furious was an understatement. What with 2 upset and crying tired kiddies I think if I put into words how we felt I'd be banned from Blogger !!!! We called the AA and a lovely man called Ken came to our rescue
He deduced the petrol pump had burnt itself out and very kindly gave us a tow home
This photo is courtesy of hub who thought it quite amusing I'd asked him to take a pic of our tow truck.
So there you have it - my first drive out and my first tow home. Driving is great fun isn't it?
OH what a nighmate! I hope everything goes ok with the garage on Monday - don't let them mess you around! Lucy xxx
I hope you get some joy out of the garage, you must be so annoyed and upset with the whole situation. The very, very nice man from the AA has saved us a few times in the past too. All the best Lisa. x
How disappointing that your first outing had to be spoilt by car troubles! Hope the garage makes it up to you on Monday! You are going to enjoy having your own wheels.
Oh Lisa ...what a terrible experience. Good luck with the garage.
what a terrible shame, I do hope it gets sorted out soon. and yes we've been rescued by the AA a few times too, in fact hubby's uncle used to be an AA man.
Oh Lisa you must be so very upset! I would be so cross!!! I so hope it all sorts itself out! ... with no extra cost to you!
Oh no- I hope they sort it out for you!
I had to laugh, but I can imagine you are steaming as I would be, but at least you will look back on this episode and laugh too!
Oh no! :-O If the garage don't do what they should, get straight on to Trading Standards, won't you? Blinkin' cheek - giving you a car which isn't 'fit for the purpose!'
Beautiful pictures though.
Hope you manage to get it sorted Lisa.
Aw bless, what a nightmare on your first real driving your own car experience! It really isn't that bad all of the time and I'm sure you'll get things sorted at the garage. Just a shame your weekend wasn't as you'd expected. Hope it goes ok tomorrow.
Oh my goodness how very disappointing for all of you, I hope everything goes well on Monday and that it doesn't cost a fortune to fix.
That being said, I so enjoyed your wonderful photo's of your trip so it wasn't a total loss.
I hope all goes ok at the garage on Monday. I loved the photos! love Lou xxx
Ahh the stops and starts of the intrepid motorist. Sorry your first journey was a bit of a baptism of fire. Let's hope the next one is a lot more fun.
OH my gosh! What a nightmare! My first car was a hunk of junk (not that yours is ...) I had all kinds of trouble ... but i was 17 and didn't have 2 kids in tow! Oh, I hope your next outing after the car is fixed is problem free - yikes ~ Love the tow truck pic - I've seen may of those in my day - ha!
That is just dreadful. I used to have a picasso and there were a few problems too, however that is because I had bought a car that had previously been written off. I didn't know this. I hope you get it all sorted and can enjoy your car. I do agree that as far as design goes they are the perfect family car. You can walk from the back seat to the front seat which is just so clever when you need to strap kids in etc.
Yowch that sounds dreadful - what bad garage people to have sold you such a car - I hope they mended it quick smart or gave you another car to replace it. It makes me cross for you just reading about it. really hope it resolves. Emma
oh no - what a poopy way to start your new motoring life! Thank goodness for the AA though - aren't they lovely!
Oh Lisa, what disapointment. I was enjoying the trip out in your car too. I think the air would be very blue were it my car. Take it back and get a refund, do not leave the garage until you get your money back.
Good luck with the outcome.
Carol xxx
I am ashamed to say I am laughing... not being nasty but is that not just sods law... I hope it all gets sorted, I drive one of those and I love my car...
As for the beach pictures... I drew breath ... so beautiful
Oh my word! We've been having car problems lately and I can identify with you so much and your poor little ones. If its any consolation we've got two cars and one of them is exactly the same as yours. Its an old one but has (fingers crossed) been really reliable and taken us up and down the country, all over the place. Hopefully you'll get this problem sorted and it'll run along fine for you. lovely cars to drive.
Take care
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