Sunday night we tucked Milo up in his new bed ( passed down from his cousin ) which is about 3ft off the floor with new duvet and duvet cover ( quilt still not finished ). It's 1am and all hell breaks loose as I'm woken by hysterical screaming, thinking he had fallen out of bed I ran into his room , no Milo, where the hell was he? Found on the stairs vomiting everywhere, new bed , duvet cover all had been christened too!!!. This continued through the night but by 12pm the next day he was right as rain whereas I was flaked out on the sofa unable to move. I had to get Hub to come home from work as I couldn't even get the top off the milk bottle. 24 hours later I was fine too. Germs are horrible , nasty things which are not welcome in this house. Baby G also has germs - which reminds me . I need to get more nappies !!!
I have still managed to get a few crafty things done though , a few dishclothes as Christmas presents.
Santa - can you make him out?
Little house in the woods
The patterns I got from here, and I've just noticed that she has posted some thanksgiving patterns too.
This little chap was sent across the world for Josh's birthday , I can post the pics now he's been recieved.
I promise you that I did follow the pattern exactly and have no idea as to why the trunk turned out absolutely huge. Don't think I dare mention what Hub said about it - but I'm sure some of you can guess...
There is a new charity shop that has recently opened near to where I live. If you had came in the other day you would have seen me on my hands and knees, bum in the air crawling about under the trouser rack into the hidden depths to find treasure. Two files full of knitted toy patterns with goodies from Jean Greenhowe and Alan Dart amongst others. Some of the patterns were so old the prices were pre decimal. I just about ran home so I could have a proper look, there were lots of ooh and aahhs I can tell you The problem is I can't decide what to knit first?
Isn't Brock just a proper old english gentleman?
There were about 20 sewing patterns for dolls clothes but I just picked a few of these. I'm thinking now I should have taken a photo of each individual pattern as you can't really see them on this one - oh well.
The one bottom left is for draught excluders which are so cute. I also got a brand new packet of dressmakers tracing paper and 3 new reading books for the boys.
All of this cost me just £4 - do you think I got a bargain.... I do .
Have a lovely weekend and I hope the germs stay away from everyone.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. My end of the magazine swap is done, can't wait until I recieve the mags from my partner! I hope those germs don't linger and every one feels better soon.
Oh... and I love the Robin Hood and Maid Marion dolls!
D&V has been going round where I work this week - I think once it starts, it is so contagious that you're lucky if you don't get it. My sympathies - it's horrible looking after a child who is sick, but when you get it yourself, urgh.
The patterns are gorgeous, it make me want to knit! I absolutely love the badger, he remings me of a character from wind in the willows or brambley hedge.
Kim xx
Hope all the germs have gone from your home!! What great goodies you found! I have a few of those knitting books and made up a few of the clowns when my kids were small.
Ewwww, upchucking germs are the worst, aren't they? :-( Poor you. So pleased you are all better now.
Blimey, missus - you did well with that charity shop! Can I come next time you go?
Glad your both feeling better its horrible when that happens. Some lovely knitting patterns I particulary like Mr Badger and the draft excluders!
Glad to hear you are all feeling better. Its awful when you all get it.
What a bumper find! I never seem lucky in charity shops!!!
Oh my. I hate that stomach bug. Poor little Milo ... and mommy! I am so glad he is feeling better. Was G sick too? I hope not. I'll tell ya, it is too early to start spreading germs! It's amazing how the little fella's bounce back so quickly but we are left out to dry for a week. Age.
I can say from close inspection that the elephant's trunk is just the perfect size!!! He is too terrific!!!! I hope you guys are feeling better!!!! I cann't wait to see what you make first!
Sorry Milo has been ill...
Hope you are now all in good health. I like your charity shop finds. I love those doll patterns.
Hope the bugs have passed now. What bargains! They must have made up for the nightmare germs. I love it when you find treasure like that.
Goodness! hope those germs are gone for good! Lucky to have a shop offering those kind of goodies! none around here!
I guess it's that time of year for those nasty germs, hope soon they will all be gone and you will all be feeling fine again.
Well didn't you find some wonderful goodies, lucky you!
You poor thing. I HATE those bugs, when you're a mummy you just can't phone in sick can you? I remember last year I came down with it the day we were flying to America. I still had packing to do and things to sort and I couldn't even get off the sofa. How I managed to even get to the airport I'll never know, let alone flying 10 hours!! Rubbish timing.
Loving the patterns though. I shall look forward to seeing a few projects.
Jane. xx
I hope that you are all better now and rid of the nasty germs! Your elephants trunk is certainly a big one! I think you had a great find with all of those patterns. Oh yes, and I think your dish cloths are great too!
So pleaed the horrible germs left quickly. I wish I was feeling better after my hols! but that is another story.
Take care,
Carol x
ps...made myself giggle as I typed take care...I am the one who should be doing this. x
I can't believe that you managed to craft while all around you vomited....including you! That's amazing! I have to say though. Do you really need to 'add nappies to the list?' when is there a time that you don't need to buy nappies? Ha! Or was that just around our place? Well done on the bargain finds. They are out there if you know where to look - Jen
You poor thing, I thought you were all finished with the germs from hell! But I have to say that your dishcloths are so charming! You are such a great knitter. I am in love with Brock! I hope you make him. He is so dapper. And I know if I show my husband the elephant he would say the exact same :)
I love all the goodies you found in the charity shop. Happy crafting.
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