So imagine my joy when a little while later I got an e-mail from Julie to say I'd been one of the lucky five who had won a pattern for her knitted cupcakes, now I can knit these little cakes - aren't they gorgeous?

( picture above from Little Cotton Rabbits )
I've also been tagged by the lovely Kitty for 7 things. I've thought about this tag for a few days now and still haven't managed to get 7 of everything but I'll give it a go.
7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die.. I got 5
1. Travel and possibly go back to Hawaii
2. See my boys grow and be happy
3. Move to a house with a garden
4. Knit some socks
5. Try to relax more and not get so uptight and stressed out about things.
7 Things I Do Now..
1. Too much bloomin washing up!!
2. Watch Spanish Football
3. Try to make things , then leave them all over the house which really annoys Hub -- oops
4. Laugh at myself ( apparantly I don't laugh very often )
5. Write lists of things to do each month, something I will do tonight as its the last day of the month
6. Spend too much time on the computer
7. Attempt to cook - I'm not a very good cook
7 Things I Can't Do..
1. Knit socks or knit in the round
2. Sew very well but I'm learning
3. Crochet - but it's definately on my list of things to learn
4. Stop myself from buying chocolate every time I go to the shops - seriously
5. Have a bath, it's showers every time for me
6. Stay up late - I have every respect for you crafters who can stay up until the early hours
7. Pick up a spider, even on paper or whatever - gives me shivers just thinking about it
7 Things That Attract Me In The Opposite Sex..
1. I prefer dark hair to blonde
2. Must have a sense of humour ( to make up for my lack of one )
3. I suppose the fact I can only think of 2 makes me not very fussy!!!
7 Things I Say Most Often..
1. Milo calm down
2. G have you had a poo?
3. Hurry up, we'll be late for school
4. Breakfast/Lunch/Tea time
5. Shhhhhhh
6. In A Minute
7. Actually
Jeez I really have excellent conversational skills don't I !!!!!!
7 Celebrities I Admire..
Now this was hard as not one really came to mind, there are a few I like so I'm gonna run with that instead
1. John Cusack hmmmmmmmm
2. Zinedine Zidane ( amazing skills and kinda cute too )
3. Jamie Oliver
4. Jay Manuel ( yes I know, you don't have to say anything )
5. Nick Drake ( good music )
6. Curious George ( yes the monkey )
I'm rubbish at this as I can only think of 6, I bet when I've clicked 'post' loads will spring to mind
7 Favourite Foods..
1. Chocolate
2. Indian Food
3. Roast Chicken Dinner with Yorkshire Puddings
4. Prawns
5. Pizza
6. Fish and Chips
7. Chocolate - oh I said that already......
Do you think I need to change my eating habits?
7 Bloggers Who Need To Do This..
1. Adrienne at Some Of A Kind
2. Rachel Rabbit
3. Kellie at Don't Look Now
4. Sarah at Anyone Can Quilt
5. Suzie at Suzie Sews
6. Jo at French Knots
7 . Tess at Driftwood
If you don't want to play don't worry but hope everyone has a lovely weekend x
I have no idea what happened to the font etc above and I can't change it -- oh dear
edit - Kitty very kindly reminded me that there is an award that goes with this Tag - thank you Kitty