You play football
You play with sticks
and you play with bubbles
big bubbles
You will notice in the above photo that Baby G is starting to look a bit dis-interested. So what did he do to amuse himself??? He ran and I mean sprinted ( with me running after him ) across the field and proceeded to stand in the middle of the most rancid and smelliest 3" deep puddle ever!!! I had to go into this yukky horrible puddle to get him out as he stood there just laughing at me. Unfortunately this put an end to our fun filled afternoon as we had to get home asap to get out of wet, smelly germ ridden clothes....................
We had just got changed when ring ring, ring ring... hello this is Grandad Mickey , would Milo like to come to a party tomorrow, it's for a little girl and she will be 5? We will pick him up at 10am.
Whhhhaaattt, girl ,, 10am ,, party,, I have to find a gift -- what do I do???????? Panic............
No , calm down, think..... ah ha got it.
Thanks to Audrey and Maude, and some fabric I won in a giveaway from the very lovely Kathy
3 hours slog later I produced Lola. Sounds like I gave birth doesn't it chuckle. Hub named her , as he thought she looked very Charlie and Lolaish.
I have to say it's the first time I have ever made anything using a pattern as such , she came together so easily and I definately think I will be making some more.
She is intensely cute - what pattern did you use? My daughter is four at the start of next month and I've been trying to find old fashioned pegs to make peg dolls with absolutely no luck. She loves stuffed animals as well, that could be a good alternative!
Well done Lisa she's great! Hope the party went well!
Oh she's gorgeous! Love the fabric combo! Lucy x
What a great day with your boys! Funny how they always seem to find something like a big yucky puddle. Lola is too cute! You have to make more of them.
I have to say I had a little chuckle to myself about the puddle incident.
Lola is very cute, I hope the little girl appreciated it!
Vanessa x
That went together quickly! gotta love a handmade gift!!! Hope those boys slept well after all that activity! and you too!
Lisa.... she's gorgeous!! Well done! I love the new picture at the top of your blog too!
Sounds like my Saturday - well the bubbles at least, my boys are now too old and cool to be seen playing footie with their mum! - Thanks for the tip re hair washing, I will definitely give it a try - have you tried the dried shampoo by any chance - I think they have revamped it, but I haven't tried it yet. - Natalie x P.S - I am loving Lola - I bet the little girl in question was really pleased to receive her
Lola is just beautiful - I love the expression on her face - I am sure she will be very well loved.
I had to laugh about the puddle story ! Boys are such little imps some times!
Lola is just gorgeous!! Perfect Birthday present - you are very enterprising to be able to whip a pressie in next to no time. Your boys look like they had the perfect afternoon!
How lovely a pink Ellie!
What great fun, a little boy, and a smelly muddy puddle!
One of my boys would have done the same thing! arg!!! I love the elephant - I still have to finish the 3 I made ... I just hate to hand stitch.
Ha! Kids do that, don't they? In the summer I was telling my kids to please get out of the pool as we needed to go: then it struck them that there was actually nothing I could do to make them get out. I wasn't getting in there to go get them! Grrrrrr.
Lola is gorgeous! x
Lola is gorgeous! What a perfect present she will make. :)
The boys certainly looked like they were having a good time! Congratulations on your pink elephant. You did so well making her in 3 hours. It would have taken me 3 weeks!
Hi there - me again, do you mind me asking what pattern you used - I would love to make one for my niece for christmas - Natalie x
Arrh great fun in the park it was lovely weather at the weekend shame about the stinky puddle spoiling your fun! I love the elephant how clever of you to russle that up I see the lola in her!
the boys look like they are having a good time :)
Love Lola! you did a great job. Good girly present :)
Lola is so cute! Nice work!
Boys do seem to find puddles, don't they.
Oh I love Lola she is lovely!
Why do children love the dirtiest puddles best?!
Hi Lisa, I have spent many an afternoon like you on a Saturday when hub was on a late shift!
How the years have flown.
You boys are gorgoeus and Lola is lovely - she has a cheeky look about her!
Carol x
Oh I like Lola! So sassy in pink!
Sounds like a fun afternoon with the kiddos...until the puddle part, you poor dear. :) And Lola is adorable! What a special gift! x
She's great.Well done.
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