So instead I have been doing some knitting, a jumper for my nephew for Christmas.
Want to see my presents?
I saw this fabric in Ikea and just it was love at first sight so Hub kindly bought some for me. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it yet though.
Isn't it pretty, and can you see what it's lying on? Yeah a cutting mat, Hub found one in a bookshop that we were browsing in , we thing it was incorrectly priced as it's A2 size and was only £7 !! Isn't my Hub just great...
Want to see what else I got last week - yes, there is more.
Soo offered to send me a magazine as a thank you for organising the magazine swap - and here is what she sent. Thank you so much Soo, it really was very kind of you.
Last but not least, Sarah sent me these, now this parcel was a complete surprise and what makes it even better is that the Holiday Crafts magazine is the one with Lina's contributions in so that's a double wow. A girl can never have too many magazines . Thank you so much Sarah
If anyone has recieved their magazine from the swap please can you let me know so that I can cross you off my list. Soo, I have noted yours.
Thank you for all the well wishes , we still have germs but not nearly so bad as they were. Hope everyone else is well, enjoy your week. I'm off to do some reading now.
Oooh, I'm drooling over that Holiday Crafts magazine!
What a lot of loveliness you got! x
well, you know that I got mine cuz I am moving down under! well someday! okay, maybe a visit! Thanks for hosting!!! Lovely IKEA fabric!
Oh that Santa pillow is to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the fabric! And what a thrifty shopper your husband is!!!!
oooh those magazines look great! love the fabric - how much did you get! and great cutting board bargain, just be really careful when you get a rotary cutter not to cut yourself...
Looks like you got loads of lovely goodies! I've been over to Sarah's blog and I see you sent her a copy of the Magic Patch magazine - where, o where did you find it???? I couldn't get one and it looks fantastic!
Lucy x
That fabric is gorgeous! And so glad you have a cutting mat now. Do you have an acrylic ruler and rotary cutter yet to go with it? It will make your quilting life, as well as sewing in general so much easier. So glad you like your mags. :)
Ohhh lovely magazines, we too have the dreaded cold at the moment, so when Twiglet is in bed I've taken to lying under a blanket on the sofa and planning (note planning not making:)things for Christmas.
Get well soon.
Twiggy x
Love the fabric! Look forward to seeing what you do with it :) Enjoy your mags - heaven!
Hmmmmm, there anything better? Great buy on the fabric and the cutting mat. That man of yours is a keeper! Good luck with the quilting. I often end up making up a few new mummy swears (always muttered quietly under my breath, unheard by little ears!) when I try quilting...I'm just not very good at it! - Jen
That fabric is gorgeous, I love the color!
What is it with this time of the year and germs??!!!
Look at all of your fabulous treats for the week, a very lucky girl indeed! - I also got yummy mail yesterday so I am very happy too =]
Oh my goodness. I couldn't believe it when you were talking about a walking foot. I just ordered one for my machine this past week. I want to learn to machine quilt also. I hope mine works. I hope you find one to fit yours.
What a fab blog you have.
Hope eyou enjoyed all that reading!
The fabric is lovely, don't Ikea do some grat prints nowadays? Looking forward to seeing what you make with it.
Jane. x
Enjoy your magazines! I'm looking forward to seeing your machine quilting's something I haven't been brave enough to try yet.
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