When we were on holiday Milo found a little blue plastic monkey, you know the ones that hang on to the side of cocktail glasses by their tails, He carried it round with him and was intending on bringing it home as a friend for Socky, but Baby G had other ideas and he accidently broke Marvin Mervin Monkey - snapped the tail right off!! So to cheer Milo up I agreed to knit him a friend for Socky and said he could come to the wool shop with me to choose the wool for himself.
I searched all over for a nice monkey pattern, I was trying to find one like Mel from Leannes Blog but couldn't find one anywhere. So I settled for second best, and I have to say there is nothing about this monkey that I like.
Here he is peeping over the top of Milo's new duvet cover - which I finally finished . Now I just have to do the pillowcase.
I didn't like knitting Jack ( as he has been named) as there were too many little bits, the colours are definately not my choice and his face is well -- SCARY. When I finished him both me and hub just looked at each other and laughed - can you see why ? But he was made exactly as asked for and is loved!!
I also made my first tote which was a belated birthday present for my mam back in July. I had forgotten to take any pictures so this pic is courtesy of my dad - sorry its not very clear and the wrong way round.

I've also started knitting a new Autumn jumper for Baby G - it's a lovely olive green colour and is knitting up really quickly.
Do you want to see my bargains too? Embroidery threads for 5p each, how cheap is that. Although I have no idea what I am going to do with them yet. I just love all the colours and couldn't resist them.
and this wool was half price too. I am seriously running out of place to put stuff :-). I've got ideas for the red, something for myself - which is a first!! Don't you find that out of everything you make there is next to nothing that you do for yourself?
Last but not least I recieved another award from Carol and Louise. Thank you so much to both of you. It really does mean so much when people show they like your Blog - I've never been very good with words but this is very much appreciated.

To be honest I love so many blogs its really hard to pass on , so once again I'm just going to pass this on to everyone.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend .