I was just looking at the pictures on my camera and realised that there are quite a few on there that I was going to Blog about but for one reason or another haven't. So I apologise for a mish mash post in advance.
I recieved my invite for Ravelry. I was quite surprised because I thought I would have to wait a very long time when in fact it was only about a week or so. Now I'm going to have to knuckle down and investigate the site further, see what goodies I can find.
Was over the moon to find this in a Charity shop . At only £1.99 it was a bargain, especially as it has the lid with it too. On the bottom it says Sweden so I'm presuming this is where it came from but I will stand corrected if anyone can tell me otherwise?
We watched Juno which I thought was just amazing, even had a little tear. But I won,t spoil it if you haven't seen it.
I recieved this and this through the post. So many people have said how good they are so I just had to have a look. The quick glimpse I have had seems everyone is right. Who was I to think that you wouldn't be..... Peanuts is just so cute.
M wanted to do some baking so we made this pie
and these mini quiche
Both went down a storm and disappeared in next to no time.
M had a tea party for his Nellies and Mr Seal and Monkey, once again dressed in his Bat suit!
I've got a few WIPs to show you too but I'm going to post them tomorrow as I'm hoping one WIP will actually get finished today--fingers crossed.
6 days ago
That enamel pail was a great find, such a bargian price! Your baking looks scrumptious, hurry up and finish your WIPs so we can take a look ;)
Lucy x
hope you have fun with those books!
I've just tagged you, if you want to play!
those look delish! can't wait to see what you've made. you're gonna love the btrs book - i certainly do! love the tea party!
OOOOOhh, What was in the big pie! I love the look of the little quiches.
Looking forward to seeing your work in progress, maybe something out of one of those books? Quiche is my favourite, even though it is 10.42 pm, it is making me feel very hungry. I've been mooching around the charity shops a bit more since I have become temporarily unemployed, you can get some great buys. Looks like M was keeping amused attending his own tea party. x
Hi Lisa, I do believe you are right, I misread the name of the farm, I think it does say Affricks,although maybe with one 'f'? This is most likely it. If we ever get to Little Missenden, I shall check it out. Thanks for this invaluable information, you have been very helpful. x
Hi Lisa sorry I've not been keeping up with you! Cute tea party & great books - I lave a long list of to dos from the first one!
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