We didn't get out over the weekend due to the fact that a little someone was ill, so ill in fact that we actually took him to the casualty department on Sunday morning to be told that he had tonsilitis, a viral infection and a non specific rash. Looking at these pictures you would never think it !!
Anyway, seeing as how it was a glorious Spring day and we had to pass this park on the way back from taking Hub to work ( he's on lates again this week) we decided to stop off and enjoy some fresh air.
The snowdrops are just about out, a few patches of white but lots still in bud ready to burst and say hi to the world.
Gabe was making the most of it, running around like a lunatic, jumping in and out of holes and just thoroughly enjoying himself. Who cares that all these clothes went straight into the washing machine when we got home. They're only clothes right?
I could have used this building as the abandoned one for my Scavenger hunt last month. I'd love to see what's left behind the broken glass.
When I first saw these yellow flowers I thought it was Forsythia but then realised that it wasn't . Lovely colour though.
These shoots look like daffodils and if you look closely you can see more just appearing.
Maybe Mr Treebeard will smile when his leaves start to emerge.
Can you see all the mole hills ? Do they remind you of a song ..... I am a mole and I live in a hole .
We made up our own version..... you want to know it ?
I am a mole and I live in a hole,
I am a Gabe and I live in a cave,
I am a Milo and I live in a silo,
I am a Pops and I live down the docks,
I am a mammy and I live over the hill in a camper van .
I know the last line doesn't rhyme but Gabe made it up and I like it..
Never seen this old gate before , it's normally hidden in the undergrowth.
Then back along the path towards the walled garden only this time there is something different.
In all the times I've been here and all the times we've walked past this door ..................
it's never ever been open !!!