Jeez , I can't believe it's November already, can you ? I don't know about you but today certainly doesn't seem like November . It's been relativly warm and sunny not what you would normally associate with what I class as a winter month . Are we in winter now or is it still classed as Autumn? Then again there are still lots of green leaves on the trees and nowhere near as much leaf colour as there has been in previous years or is that just me also?
The half term holidays flew by with quite a few walks lots of playing and also quite a lot of craftiness by yours truly but I'll save that for another post. These photos were taken along the banks of the river Wear not far from my parents house .
On the afternoon we went on this walk the tide was very low and you can see that all the sludge and things that are normally under the water were all exposed . Lots of tyres and seaweed along with branches and the odd old boat.
This part of the river used to be a hive of activity , there was a pottery and a paper works and many many moons ago there was also shipyard . All that has gone now , just a few ruins here and there and a boathouse where people store jet skis . I have to admit I wouldn't particularly like to get a mouthful of this water as it isn't the cleanest!!
So now we are getting back into routine with a Halloween disco to look forward to tomorrow night and then the build up to the Christmas holidays -- it's only six weeks until they break up again .............
Happy November - a nice splash of colour in that first pic!
Six weeks - eeeekkkk.
I love your pictures - truly mystical.
Nina xxx
I never know if its winter or autumn either! Lovely photos.
My boys have got discos on seperate nights this week....far too much excitement.
How is work going?
Love those photos - especially the top one and the one of the boat.
Very moody and atmospheric photos. I can't say I would want to be on that beach right now! I think it is autumn as I associate Dec,Jan,Feb with winter, Mar,Apr,May with Spring and Jun, July Aug with Summer! Do your boys have a winter term at school? We don't down here. Very strange!
6 weeks to Xmas!!Like your photos.Have a look at mine from earlier in the week for some autumn colours.The colours this year here in North Wales are amazing.Or they were.It is blowing a gale here today and so I think by tomorrow they will all be gone.How is the training going?I used to be a Primary school teacher.
I totally agree, where did the time go ??
twiggy x
Strange but those images are really nice, mystical was a good word.
It was so warm today! weird old world. Happy Halloween have a wonderful time at the party.
Your photos are lovely - and eerie at the same time! xxx
I loved looking at those pictures Lisa!
Love Lou xxx
Beautiful black and white images. They make me want to go to the sea.
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