A little while ago the lovely
Nina from Tabiboo gave me a Versatile Blogger Award. Now with this award I have to tell you 7 things about myself that you don't already know , believe me , it's a hard thing to do and it's taken me quite a while to try and think of some things.

1 ) I have asthma and have done for about 25years ish . I was initially misdiagnosed and the Dr told me I suffered from hayfever !! Normally I don't have any problem with it but today it has reared it's ugly head, which leads me nicely onto number 2.

2) After six and a half years we've finally had new carpet put in our bedroom and got rid of the dreadful lilac shag pile . We've also had the boys bedrooms and the stairs done at the same time so lots of dust on top of a little cold lead to not being able to breathe . So number 2 is- I hold my hand up and admit to having lilac shag pile.

3) As much as Summer is definately my favourite season I have to say that Autumn and Winter are my favourite for taking photos. You'll probably notice that during these months I tend to show lots of shrooms and naked trees. I just love the shapes and textures and bare branches against the different colours of the sky . Have you seen the sunsets the past few nights ? Awesome...

4) You all know that I'm desperate to move house and that my reason for wanting to move is that I really would love a garden but there are another few stipulations that our new house must have . When I say a garden I mean a garden and not just a tiny bit of grass , I need a sink that faces a window as when you do as much washing up as I do it tends to do my head in just staring at a wall. There must be a separate shower or at least room to build one , neither me nor hub do baths and lastly I would love to have some sort of a view . Where we live at the minute from the front we look directly into a neighbours sitting room and bedroom and at the back its just walls and rooftops . Hub says the distance from the front of our house to the houses across the street is only about 23 ft. Oh , and how could I forget -- a parking space ..

5) Television wise I very rarely watch english programmes , I much prefer American ones , my current fave is
Parenthood but I also like NCIS, Glee, Gossip Girl, Criminal Minds - too many to list . I am also proud to say I have never watched an episode of X-Factor and don't intend to.

6) I have to admit that if I had never had an addiction to magazines I would probably have never found blogging and would more than likely not have taken up knitting again. I know I've mentioned this before but it's something I'm very thankful for. When Cherry Menloves house was featured in a magazine she mentioned she had a blog , I looked up the blog found a link to
Little Cotton Rabbits and the rest is history .... Julie is my inspiration and if it weren't for her I would more than likely have not started knitting again. One of my wishes is to own one of her gorgeous creations .

7) This one is a bit of a cop out but even though we've all just filled up on takeaway pizza for tea I'm debating wether or not to run round ( or should it be wobble round ) to the shop for some chocolate . I probably won't but the thought is there hmmmmm ...

So there you have it - 7 things about me and now I'm going to pass this award on to everyone in my blog list. Even if you've done something similar before remember you always get new readers and maybe they didn't read the last one so go on , give it a go .