Remember Freya from my little giveaway , well she was the only little one left so I put her in my Etsy shop and now she is on her way to America - my first Etsy sale, I was so pleased I had a smile on my face all day . Thank you so much

Right at the end of last month the lovely
Gemma from Deravelled gave me this award. Thank you so much Gemma, it,s very much appreciated. In return I'd like to pass this award to everyone who commented on my last post .

I don't get to spend that much one on one time with Milo , so last Sunday when G was asleep and Hub was at work we decided to make some yarn baskets following
this tutorial from Lesley.

They did take a couple of days to dry properly . No idea what they will be used for but we had messy fun making them..

Now I have still managed to do some crafting but can't show you much yet I'm afraid . I can show you this cowl though. It's for an aunt of mine who hasn't been too well lately. And I'm saying nothing about the scowl!!!

Is anyone else's Christmas Poinsettia still going strong , I've never had one last this long before?
This is for Emma who commented on my last post , I wanted to answer but you have a ' no reply ' option set . Yes it is Kemps but the library is Kayll Road. Unfortunately they knocked Grindon down a few years ago, it was my childhood library too....
If you haven't yet looked for your house on Google maps Streetview I suggest you do -- mine isn't on there yet but I know a few people who've put in their address and up pops their house on the screen - it's a bit scary!!
Think I'll sign off with another Milo-ism from today.
Milo -- mammy you smell delicious
Me -- thank you baby
Milo -- Just like a Pizza .
Oh well ...