Hi, I'm back - did you miss me ? It's been a while hasn't it , but it was a break I think I really needed.
I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who commented on my last post , you were all so right -- blogging is a personal diary, something to look back upon in the years to come and I think if I had stopped then I would have regretted it. So if you would like to wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze tightly, that's a hug from me.....
I'll give up a quick catch up on what have we been up to in the past month.... well, there was some park visiting,

which involved getting extremely muddy,

a bit of tree hugging a la Autumnwatch...

and a bit of sleeping, although the pillow didn't look that comfy to me !!
We visited some ice sculptors in town, where Milo was lucky enough to have a go and he got really stuck in thumping that chisel for all he was worth. They were doing the characters from Peter Pan as this is our cities pantomime this year, this one ended up as Peter Pan.

This is Tinkerbell , which they created earlier. I couldn't believe the amount of tools they had , even massive chainsaws....

The boys have been doing lots of fighting and winding each other up which has been driving me mad I can tell you and apparantly it doesn't get any better - or so I've been told?

The punching photo..............

The getting told off photo...............

and the " we didn't mean it mammmy" photo.........
I've been taking lots of photo's of the sky too, I'm really into taking shots af bare trees against the skyline at the minute . All the colours lately have just been amazing and it seems as though I don't go anywhere without taking at least one picture. These are just a few of my faves which I took a couple of days ago whilst going to pick Milo up from school at about 4.15pm.

and I couldn't do a monthly catch up without a bunny pic could I and believe me I had a few to choose from . I managed to get all my orders finished by November 30th and am now knitting furiously to get some things done for the boys and a few scarves for my mam, sis and the MIL... fingers crossed ,

So, that was a very brief update on November , I can't believe it's only a few weeks until Christmas Day can you -- scary..