Before I actually start my post I need to pass on a message from Milo, He would like to say a big thank you to everyone who commented on his post and he wants to wish everyone Happy Star Wars day as today is "" MAY THE FOURTH ""... do you get it?

Now for my post, it seems so long since I've done one !! Here goes.
On Saturday seeing as how it was Bank Holiday Weekend and the sun was shining we decided to have a day out, we all piled into the car and set off for Keswick in the Lake District. On the way there we stopped at
Barnard Castle.. This little market town holds so many lovely childhood memories for me as my dads mam used to have a caravan there.

Bang in the middle of the main street is this Butter Market and at the bottom of the main street there is this bridge which leads to the actual caravan site

The building on the left used to be an old mill which was literally in ruins - it is now swanky apartments but with a view like this you can see why people would want to live here.

As you walk along the river the smell of wild garlic hits you in the face and reminds me of when I was a little girl, me and my dad picked a huge bunch of it which we put in vases in the caravan and of course it stunk the place out - we hadn't known what it was..

Just a few minutes after I took this photo of Hub we realised that we hadn't put a parking ticket on the car so we legged it back up the steep bank to the car park . So unfortunately I didn't manage to get any more photos of my memory place , none of the market that was on, the morris dancers with all their bells or the old house where Oliver Cromwell stayed with its tiny doors. Back at the car we realised that we hadn't locked the car either --oops.
So off we set again and as we had forgotten to buy food due to the car palaver , we made a slight detour to Kirkby Stephen to pick up some sandwiches - Hub ran into the shop while I just sat in the car and stared at this amazing house.

What you can't really tell from this picture is that all the sills etc are painted a pale pink and there were swallows just flying in circles around it.
Once we got to Keswick Hub asked me to drive through it as he wanted to go to a place called " Grange " first. Now Grange is somewhere that Hub holds such fond memories of . When he was just a young boy he spent a lot of time here and this is his memory place. Ever since we met I have heard so many stories of this place , about how he used to jump off the hump back bridge into the water and so many more. To be honest I didn't really know what to expect of it.
As we drove towards it there were trees on our left and tall barren mountains on the right, then we took a right turn across a double hump back bridge and I was lost for words.

I don't know when I last saw such amazing scenery, it really was breath taking and really really beautiful.
This is where Hub used to stay,

he used to help look after boys just a bit younger than himself, they used to go kayaking and take midnight walks over these mountains.

Most of the houses in this little hamlet were made from slate and granite

as were most of the walls.

All the boys had so much fun throwing rocks and stones into the river

I took a few moments just to take it all in before we headed back to Keswick.

We saw so many little black lambs - they were so cute.

This is the view we had while we ate tea

It was an amazing day, if not a bit tiring for some.

Well, I hoped you enjoyed the trips to our memory places -- where are yours?