Dear me, I'm shattered ..... who would think that cleaning the bathroom would tire you out so much.. I don't know about you but our bathroom gets soooo dusty. It seems as though anywhere in this house that you dust just needs doing again the day after - maybe it's because it's an old house?
Anyway, it seems I've got another bits and pieces post for you again today.
A couple of weeks ago I sent
Tess a couple of balls of wool as she wanted to try it out before she bought some.. this turned into a mini swap as she insisted on sending something back in return.

Loved the green colour of this paper and ribbon, so that was a good start, inside was this lovely ball of Rowan wool and a dinosaur bag which was quickly snaffled up by Milo, there was also a bag of bouncy balls but these are now scattered in every corner of the house. Thank you very much Tess.

My apologies must go to
Sarah at The Blueberry Patch, she very kindly gave me this award, it's nice to think that I'm Kreativ....

Now, apparantly I have to list 7 things that I love and also pass it on to 7 other people, hmmm lets see.. in no particular order..
1) my family ( goes without saying really )
2) chocolate !!
3) at the minute couscous with feta cheese - mmmm
4) the fact that summer is on its way and seeing new life appearing every day.
5) knitting
Think I'm going to have to stop at 5 as my fuddled brain can't think of anymore... now for my 7 people..
KittyLizzie JaneRachel RabbitKellie ( even though I know she'll forget to do it :-) )
Lucy LudabelleBrigantia DesignsSpeaking of Kim at Brigantia Designs I was lucky enough to win one of the bags from her giveaway, what makes it even more lucky is that out of all the ones she was giving away this was my favourite. Thank you very much Kim, it's going to be perfect for the summer.

I've also been busy knitting - no surprise there
Jack and his sister Emily are already on their way to Florida.

Normally I don't have any problem letting them go but Jack was a different story.. He sold really quickly and putting him in the post really tugged at my heartstrings.. He's definately my favourite so far . Jeez , look at me , must be going soft in my old age ............
Right , well thats all for now, the needles are calling.
Happy Easter everyone ............. don't eat too much chocolate