If I told you that this afternoon the pipe underneath our sink sprung not one but two leaks would you believe me?
Would you also believe me if I said that when we went to turn off the stopcock to mend the pipe that was leaking too ?
It's true, all true . I think we have a jinx !!
I did manage to get this little cutie finished though.
1 day ago
She's gorgeous and must help to make up for all the disasters?!?!?! At least I HOPE she helps! Lucy x
i do believe you, things like that happen to us too. cute cute bunny!!
Sorry to hear about the leaks, but having plumbed a new bathroom in once I know the strange capacity of water to find any crevice to seep out of. Love your Princess rabbit so totally adorable.
OOH what a cutie. Love the little tiara. Sorry you're having such a electrical/plumbing related run of things.
Oh my gosh! So much for bad luck comes in threes -- although, if I counted correctly, there were three leaks??? Sheesh -- you need a break.
LOVE LOVE that cute little bunny. I love how you added the fluffy yarn to the little dress!
It never rains but it pours, to use a water-related metaphor! Do hope you can get it sorted soon. The bunny is so sweet!
so cute! xxx
Well done Lisa! You sound much more like your old self-wonderful knitting done as usual.
P.S. don't let your plumbing get you down.........if you see what I mean!
Gorgeous Bunny! Missy Moo wanted to know why her bunny has a new outfit!! ;) Disasters suck!
boo hoo. water leaks are such a pain. love the bunny she's adorable x
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