Dear me, I'm shattered ..... who would think that cleaning the bathroom would tire you out so much.. I don't know about you but our bathroom gets soooo dusty. It seems as though anywhere in this house that you dust just needs doing again the day after - maybe it's because it's an old house?
Anyway, it seems I've got another bits and pieces post for you again today.
A couple of weeks ago I sent Tess a couple of balls of wool as she wanted to try it out before she bought some.. this turned into a mini swap as she insisted on sending something back in return.
Loved the green colour of this paper and ribbon, so that was a good start, inside was this lovely ball of Rowan wool and a dinosaur bag which was quickly snaffled up by Milo, there was also a bag of bouncy balls but these are now scattered in every corner of the house. Thank you very much Tess.
My apologies must go to Sarah at The Blueberry Patch, she very kindly gave me this award, it's nice to think that I'm Kreativ....
Now, apparantly I have to list 7 things that I love and also pass it on to 7 other people, hmmm lets see.. in no particular order..
1) my family ( goes without saying really )
2) chocolate !!
3) at the minute couscous with feta cheese - mmmm
4) the fact that summer is on its way and seeing new life appearing every day.
5) knitting
Think I'm going to have to stop at 5 as my fuddled brain can't think of anymore... now for my 7 people..
Lizzie Jane
Rachel Rabbit
Kellie ( even though I know she'll forget to do it :-) )
Brigantia Designs
Speaking of Kim at Brigantia Designs I was lucky enough to win one of the bags from her giveaway, what makes it even more lucky is that out of all the ones she was giving away this was my favourite. Thank you very much Kim, it's going to be perfect for the summer.
I've also been busy knitting - no surprise there
Jack and his sister Emily are already on their way to Florida.
Normally I don't have any problem letting them go but Jack was a different story.. He sold really quickly and putting him in the post really tugged at my heartstrings.. He's definately my favourite so far . Jeez , look at me , must be going soft in my old age ............
Right , well thats all for now, the needles are calling.
Happy Easter everyone ............. don't eat too much chocolate
3 days ago
I find it so hard to part with anything. I buy items in charity shops (which I like) with the intention to sell, then end up keeping everything! Your knitting projects are fabulous, I love your bunnies! Happy Easter to you all, I am sure there will be many chocolate eggs around! x
Many congratulations on your awards, you lovely swaps, your bag (gorgeous!) and your knitty sales. Those rabbits really are extremely sweet. What a lot of loveliness.
Have a wonderful Easter xxx
Wow done you on the award 'congratulations'
I know what you mean about the 'bathroom' it takes me the best part of a day to clean it and I can never figure out 'why' and as for dust well don't get me started - I think it's something to do with having blooming floorboards!
take care,
Nina x
Happy Easter to you guys as well! Cute bunnies!!! Hope the kids have a great time egg hunting!!
I can see why it was hard to let Jack go - he is just gorgeous. Lucky you having all that other lovely loot too.
My house is so dusty all the time too - I thought it was because I only have floor boards!
Congratulations on your award and thank you for passing it on to me. I will get right on it after Easter. Love those bunnies they are just darling.
ohhhh Jack is sooo cute! I want him too!! love that shirt and red trousers...he's perfect!
How exxciting that your bunnies are off to see the world! Have a wonderful Easter.
I had to smile at what you said about the amount of dust in an old house - I've often thought exactly the same thing myself! I don't know where it all comes from.
The bunnies are so cute. I'm going to have to get myself some of those patterns.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter.
Congrats on the award and what loively swaps too.
Your bunnies are too cute, I have a thing about bunnies. I love the earing, I love the outfits they are wearing. I just don't know how you manage to part with them!
Have a lovely Easter.
Carol x
I think Jack has a great expression on his face that makes him extra cute!
Hope you have a lovely Easter! You bunnies are gorgeous no wonder you didn't want to part with them!
Well done on your award,swap and that lovely bag!
We have a dusty bathroom too ... I think it's because it's damp in there, the 'particles' for want of a better word, seem to gravitate and then the dust is SO visible!
Those bunnies of yours get better and better - well done you!
And thank you so much for the awardage. Really appreciate it.
Happy Easter! Jack is especially special!
happy Easter, just love those bunnies xxx
Thanks so much for the award! I'm like Kellie though and will probably forget to do anything with it - but it is very, very gratefully received!!!
Love your bunnies too!
Lucy x
Ooooh dust - don't get me started!! I also have heaps of cobwebs at the moment which are driving me mad. Love, love, love the little rabbits. Happy Easter to you too!
Glad you liked the bag! Cheers for the award, I've just blogged, but will include it in my next. Happy easter!
Kim xx
Oh goodness Lisa I've missed so much! Let's see, Milokin Skywalker..precious, and hilarious. All of your new bunnies, AMAZING! I love the little girls shoes and coats. And of course the pictures of the boys outside, so cute! I've missed you guys! If my computer decides to die again...I'll kill it. x
I love you Lisa ... OK so it's out there now for the whole blogging world to see! I love Lisa and all her awards she has given me even if I am crap at doing all the bits that go with them .... but I do love my dear friend who I have never met, her beautiful family and her wonderful blog!!!!!!!!! :)
Can you believe my word verification word is taxes!!!!! is that like a bloggy warning or something???
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